I think there should be a group size slider for all content

I could actually do it as a tank if that proves to be an issue.

Well that wouldn’t be fair to people that can’t play as tanks.

That’s if they went with the AI route. The idea includes that also.

You could probably get away with DPS and healer AI but I think a tank just has too much to do with positioning and pulling for the AI to do it well enough. I mean it could tank but I wouldn’t expect it to be able to tank very well. Even so, you would still reach a point were the AI are just not good enough and you will no longer be able to progress. The AI just isn’t good enough.

They prevent bumping, so I will help you out.

They might be able to make it a bit more viable if they provided UI action bars for all the party members, like we have for pets. That way you could micro manage them better. Then you could order the AI tank to run up, taunt mobs and then go passive and return to a location with them. Positioning would still be something you would manually have to do yourself but it could be done.

The FF14 Trust System has something similar to that.

Never really got into FF14 but I was thinking back on my experience with SWToR and their follower system. It was basically an AI pet that you could set to tank, dps or healer mode and an action bar of abilities based upon their role. Now it was only one follower and not 4 but given you could set abilities to automatically be used, you really wouldn’t need to micro manage much for DPS classes.

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That as well. I liked your take on it, so a :heart: was given.

I agree, that’s why I stated 5 man content below M+. A human player would almost always be better, maybe toggle an option to allow AI players or not. That way you have an option to get an all human group or allow AI for shorter queue time.

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I do like that approach, but time will tell.

Do any of these claims have any validity, or is it just random joe shmoe #13 that can’t do dungeons kinda complaining?

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That I don’t know.

Yes, you are. You want to water down all content so it’s able to be completed solo. They would need to remove all those unique and challenging mechanics that need specific counters and solutions. Not every class has a way to deal with these mechanics, and fights like the soccer boss call for multiple people working in tandem to accomplish a goal. And that’s okay because raiding is a TEAM effort.

You want to take away from my team play content (which is what watering down encounters would essentially accomplish) so you can have access to everything. That’s pretty selfish in my opinion.

This game has content that is specifically for people who like PvP, likewise with solo play and team play. Stick to the content that you enjoy and let other people play what they enjoy. Please stop asking for everything to be made with your playstyle in mind, people enjoy different things. Capiche?

Did Blizzard say they would water down the content? No. The true answer to that I am unsure of. That is my answer to Akston’s thesis as well.

Most of the standout mechanics in the long haul are fights like Mythic Eonar, Galakras, Gunship Battle, etc. Those that force you to group. It’s much better that Blizzard remove really troublesome mechanics like that. Everything else can stay and make things interesting, IMO.

Regarding Xanesh in particular, she could still punish you solo with failing that mechanic by buff stacking.

I can’t tell if I am being selfish for wanting others to enjoy content. But I’m not taking anything from you or your team in doing so. Again, similar answer to Akston’s thesis.

My playstyle in mind? Just mine? Nobody else’s?

Not only would they need to water down content, but they would need additional time in order to balance everything so it could be completed by specific numbers of players and players lacking certain abilities (immunities, stuns, interrupts, etc.). All that extra tuning would additionally take away from development of more content. Would we lose a raid tier over it? I don’t know, but we’d definitely be getting less content.

There are more types of mythic mechanics than just Eonar, Galkaras, and Gunship (i.e. grouping mechanics). There are specific mechanics that need to be soaked by someone with an immunity, and not every class has an immunity. That’s just one example. It seems to me that you are lacking practical experience in mythic content to fully understand the consequences of what you are asking for. For that matter, bosses like Drest’agath and Il’gynoth that require groups to do different things (with adds specifically for either ranged or melee in the case of Drest’agath) would be especially problematic. If we get rid of these types of fights to satisfy your ability to do them solo on mythic then you are really limiting the types of encounters and the difficulty of the content itself.

Soccer on Xanesh is pretty much what makes that fight what it is, otherwise it’s mostly a tank and spank. I know my priest in her wheelchair couldn’t solo soccer, and once you miss it twice it’s instantly game over. Buff stacking isn’t going to solve that. It’s going to essentially trivialize that fight if you don’t have to do the one key mechanic in it (or if you can cheese it).

You absolutely are. I’m perfectly happy with everyone having content that they enjoy available to them instead of changing everything to work for what I enjoy. You, on the other hand, are apparently not.

It’s a one and done. Yes, the issue is similar to Cataclysm with the old world. I get that and understand you.

She does the buff stacking now is what I meant. In the grand scheme of things, WoW is an old game. Almost every mechanic under the sun has been done. Even thematic mechanics, like N’zoth’s no-cloak MC.

“Hey Ion, Blingshoot says we should directly take Lokaa’s content away from her.”
“Brilliant! Mythic raiding is to go, since hardly anyone enjoys it.”

That is not what I am advocating in the slightest, but the message I am receiving.

Mythic is to stay. The strict grouping and forced grouping for Normal+ Raiding and Mythic(+) dungeons should not be, IMO. But again, the idea is in paper, not stone.

It could very well be the current system going forward. A system that, to be frank, has caused too much debate as it is in this thread alone.

So am I to understand that Mythic wouldn’t be affected by your “change” then? Because that was NOT the impression that I got from your posts.

If that’s the case, then we’re talking about different things. If we’re not talking mythic (and probably heroic, but that is something for further discussion imo) then to be honest, I would be interested in having a system like they have in FFXIV for dungeon grouping. I will say though that actual difficult content (i.e. high m+ dungeons, mythic raids, and possibly heroic raids) should stay the way it is.

I will admit that I sorely miss heroic 10 man content though. :frowning:

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I do as well. That was a huge reason why the idea was made. I also agree with the “WoW should borrow from FF14” sentiments.