I think shamans need a spellpower nerf in pvp - pointing at lava burst procs too

Shamans deserve their lava burst damage, they’re one of the few casters that still actually has to CAST spells. Classes like druids priests, mages, locks can do a ton of damage with just insta casts.

In addition, lava burst has clear counterplay as the DoT is dispellable by many classes, rendering the spell weak.

Strongly disagree that ele needs a nerf


2/8 classes can dispel it, and it costs 1 global per 1 person and flame shock can spread to 4 additional targets on a 6 second CD. GCD is 1.5 sec btw

jUsT cLeAnSe It 4HeAd

edit: I don’t even think they need to necessarily nerf lava burst damage, but they definitely should reduce how often power surge will proc with multi flame shocks

Imagine caring about pvp in a version of the game where there isn’t even Arena

Meanwhile, devs and Shaman players be like: “What are u talking about!? How dare you!? This is the Season of Shamanism in World of Shamans! If u dont like it, u should quit the game.”

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The Audacity coming from someone playing a Orc shaman

You also need to be within 20 yards to cast it, then follow up with a big cast. Meanwhile boomies and spriests are doing their BS damage from 36+ yards with instacasts.

That being said, I kind of agree with you about power surge. I feel they should have fewer insta casts in the game, not more

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25 if you got the STV totem, and flame shock is instant cast and lb is 30 yard range.

  1. Get within 25 yards of 1 dude at blacksmith clash
  2. Spread fire coronavirus
  3. Back up
  4. Come back in at 30 yards when you have instant hot n ready meatballs to serve

going to repost this here. quick preamble, if they nerf lavaburst people will just spam lightning bolt and do significant damage still. And if its appropriately nerfed people will just swap to boomkin, spriest, or mmhunter.

I do think Ele AND boomkin, spriest, and mmhunter could also use adjustments in regards to pvp. NOT JUST ONE. ENH needs multiple changes but that would be an entire post.

At this point individual spell/ability PVP tuning like they do in retail would be better than this blanket nerf nonsense. I don’t see a way out of this other than that that doesn’t also hurt these classes in PVE, they’re clearly in love with world buffs every phase


Shamans should be able to purge bubble and it should also reduce their casting speed by 50%. If you disagree you’re just a pvp shytter L2P etc, any scrub can counter play getting 2 shot with no set up required.

im 7/7 rn no less than 100k damage or 20 kills each game… love that they balanced casters lmao. This game is so bad.

It will help the BG landscape though as all of those other classes can be played by both horde and alliance. At the moment you have a class that can do the same damage as 3 other players in a BG that alliance cant play. So if theres 3 ele shamans in an AB its the equivalent of 9 dps. Just an unfair predicament at the moment that is making queue times worse and worse.

Go do the math. The shield is an enormous increase in armor. They have similar armor values to a class wearing plate.

+200 sp was a good idea tho

i mean its good armor but i have a bit under 4k with a 1900 shield. its a big deal but im pretty sure 2h plate is close if not higher.

nah 2h plate sitting about 3500

I read that as a plate character with a shield versus a shaman with a shield. So I was confused.


I think you are 10000000% wrong. Shamans are fine. Stop nerfing us because you are bad.

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Sir this is classic.

Shaman are not fine. They have too much utility in pvp to justify their levels of damage.