I think shamans need a spellpower nerf in pvp - pointing at lava burst procs too

been pvping and noticed that shamans seem to always have this insane capability of completely taking away your health bar unlike anything ive ever seen. several cases when ive engaged in them suddenly they blast me with several lava burts and chain lightnings all at once and it usually stacks up to anywhere between 2-4k damage and that just cant be right at all for pvp, plus they are also blocking my CCs with grounding totems so i cant really do everything at once when fighting them, they seem to be covering way too many niches in battle, i think for starters, they should tone down the damage they get from the free procs so they arent completely killing people right away down to like 30-60% of what they are doing so its more a dps thing not burst, and possibly increase the frequency of how often they get it so its not this insanely imbalanced, that also goes for the free heal casts they benefit from doing this.

There seems to be no taxes to any of the effects they are benefiting from, they also seemingly have infinite mana thanks to shamanistic rage only being 1 min cd


inb4 shaman gaslighting


Shaman should be able to insta cast multiple 2ks in a row and if you disagree with that go back to retail where everyone has the same amount of instant cast nuking as shaman does!!!

Wait a second here…


I think shamans should have a second attack for 2h enhance and leave dw for the birds….

It’s getting so tiring owning every bg rn as dw, too easy even. Might need to play retail, maybe there are less bads there.

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oh but why complain! you get plate armor and divine shield! conveniently leaves out that its a 5 min cd and shamans get more armor since they use shields

shut up and stop crying skill issue


what you main in retail?

Last thread burned out, so here we have a sockpuppet.

Shaman gonna come in and ask why you didn’t pop a greater fire protection pot and 15 gold worth of other consumables, and shaman are balanced because you can pop all these plus world buffs.


You don’t pvp much do you?


Oh wow another paladin salty about shamans, how original.


i reached rank 7 on two characters. this being one of them so that kinda shoots this argument down. The only thing i see coming close to shamans OP burst is hunters chimera shot and boomkin doing whatever it is that they do, way too much damage! Also mutilate is kinda op but at least they gotta try to land it which requires stealth

Uhm I usually play enhance to 2400 or 2100 whatever the cut off is for elite weapons are. In SL it was 2400.

But I may try out mists remix and play mistweaver or warrior I’m not sure.

Retail is kind of a hard bag to get into mid expansion. Every time I do it feels like I’m playing a Korean mmo and get bombarded by 20 storylines and new windows/currencies/game systems so I give up.

I will know once the final hero trees are out which class I’m leaning between my usual 3 of warrior/ww/enh

I do know I will play alliance as I generally love dwarfs and gnomes I just can’t be one in SoD and play the one class I have played the longest.

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I think we should all stop what we’re doing right now and make another nerf shaman thread. There aren’t nearly enough.


either that or maybe pray a nerf will come soon or at least a buff to paladins to level the playing field a bit

Shamans dont want you to know this! Tips & hacks that every shaman wont tell you: Dispell flame shock

dont be so predictable with your HoJ, i mained a shaman in retail and even i know when a paladin is about to HoJ you, 99% of the time.

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when is paladin getting a free 200 spellpower rune btw? since shaman just got that for free. ty

can purifying power get 200 sp? useless rune.

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source for this?

It’s a day that ends with Y, thus paladins need to complain.

It had been 30min since the last paladin made a thread whining about shaman. This was overdue.


i am spaming cleanse but now that im spaming cleanse to remove flame shock im applying no presssure and i time my HoJs just fine. Sadly they keep getting resisted, he drops a perfectly timed grounding totem or orc immunity racial. there truly is no answer to fighting them unless i got all my cooldowns, he gets unlucky with maelstrom procs and a little luck

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