they really phoning it in preparing for TWW, they had the community vote on tier set bonuses from previous seasons to be the season 4 set, also even down to which appearance they want. of course PVE andies voted for the PVE set for ret which is conversely the worst pvp set in DF, when they could have just made all tier sets available and buy the one you want. I haven’t had much motivation to play retail because I’m basically replacing S3 gear with the exact same gear in S4 but with bigger numbers. same elite mog set and everything. SAD
maybe if blizzard had more resources they could have added dwarf shaman and some horde paladin to even it out, but now we have this. dont worry im sure small indie company gets it right next time.
Shamans are by far the tankiest class in the game right now in a pvp setting outside of Druids. They have more armor than plate wearers with a shield equipped and instant heals that grant the ability to fast cast other heals after 12 seconds. This is in addition to a button that decreases their damage taken on a 1 minute cooldown and insane amount of mobility due to Decoy totem allowing them to just walk away from CC.
Fixing the class would be fairly straight forward - just rejigger the runes so they have to make the choice between utility, damage, and healing. Riptide shares a slot with lavaburst. Decoy shares a slot with shamanistic rage, etc. Currently they can socket just about everything they would want to for pvp. I can’t think of another class that has runes so well suited to PvP currently.
At least then you would have this situation where if they do a lot of damage, at the very least you feel like you can kill them without 2-3 others helping. I honestly don’t even try and 1v1 shamans - it never ends well for me assuming the guy is awake in his chair. Flameshock crits for 1k and if they get lucky and it instaprocs their instant LB you’re basically dead 50% of the time.
I’m almost at the end of my honor grind and there’s absolutely no way I’m pvping further until they fix shamans. The freedom totem truly makes me scratch my head everytime I see it go down… just why? Why did they need that ability?
yes those other 3 classes do have this problem but shamans have it plus many many, maaaany other things that make them the most glaring issue, being able to instantly heal your health at no cost. it takes a paladin 60 minutes to do somthing like that and it takes away our mana bar. Just one of the many long list of untaxed imbalances they benefit from
i did. nowhere it says it gives you 200 sp. only that it hit 5 targets, 6 extra secs and 100% increased damage. Again i ask, where’s the source for the extra 200sp? that seems a bit wild
blizzards idea of balance is a little strange doesn’t appear that they have any idea what’s going on in the game anymore. its a shame. I wont play retail or cata. almost feels like they are trying to force everyone back to retail or something. ill continue with sod even if its broken. I have a feeling cata will be short lived guess we will see.