I think PTR/BETA testing raids to select few is a mistake

It ruins the immersion. What is it even good for but free testers?

I’ve always said this. It’s an unfair advantage. The game is supposed to he competitive pve and pvp, but a portion of the playerbase came into every expansion completely familiar with everything … it is just as stupid as it sounds.


Am I wrong or isn’t it mostly like the world first pushers testing the raid? Like those people are gonna be on the top anyway so it kinda makes sense they would test it.

I’m not really sure about raid testing specifically, but just beta invites being done the way they were always left a foul taste in my mouth

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To be fair I think the reason is that those players are more likely to give helpful feedback. I get the criticism about streamers moreso but even then I get why Blizz would want what is essentially free advertising for new content

I have always said two things:

  1. Allowing teams to see the upcoming raids is really unfair. If you want me to start thinking that “world first raiding” is legitimate, quit letting them see 99% of the raid beforehand.
  2. Blizz is all about using free-playerbase labor to test their games. I don’t agree with it.

The issue is that they really can’t pay regular employees to become mythic raiders capable of testing at the highest level. That’s why they get top mythic raiders in to test.

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Do you not know what PTR stands for?


as far as I am aware as long as you login at a time when a raid is currently being tested on the PTR then you can join it


People in this thread are complaining that anyone has early access to the raids. The PTR is the least efficient way to put together competent mythic raid teams to test raids at the mythic level. They’re looking for organizations that already have the tools and skills to test, not trying to turn mythic raiding into fail LFR on the PTR.

You mean a mythic raid team is not necessary to test mythic raids? How exactly do randoms on the PTR become useful testers of mythic raids?

I don’t take issue with this, but when people report major bugs like Dreadstalkers not attacking eye of the jailer or Mueh’zala, that should be a high priority fix.

I’m personally an advocate of dreadstalkers having a ranged attack that’s only used if they cannot find a path for the leap.

I hope they put LFR on the PTR <3

Inquiring gnomes want to try.

if they want to test a buggy raid that has many problems they can do it, if you want to you can join them as well
unless you’re saying you’re not skilled enough

They don’t have to. They should do what FF14 does and hire internal testers who won’t leak any information and are not part of mythic raiding guilds. Then day 1 the raid feels fresh to everyone, including mythic raiders with 0 prior knowledge.


Anyone can PTR, anyone can PTR raid test

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They had LFR on the PTR previously. It’s just not up there 24/7. All of the bosses have been tested on LFR except Sylvanas.

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Actually, randoms on the PTR are not skilled enough. They don’t have the background to be able to look at something and say, “Why did this fail?”

How about blizzard should test everything and we should stop getting entire plot and all mechanics of raids year before it’s released


It’s extremely dangerous though from a sampling bias perspective. World first guilds != general player base so they might not even notice things that other players would. For example, I don’t think the devs really intended for certain trash in Nathria to cause so many wipes for decent groups. For another example, did it really need to take 10 minutes to reset on LFR if someone misses dinner bell? That is something that would not really be observed except in pugs/LFR since good groups will have a long wipe once and then never do it again. Not saying dinner bell is in any way difficult, but it is incredibly annoying in LFR and unnecessarily so IMO. Dinner bell should definitely wipe groups, but either the mobs should move faster to wipe quickly and keep people dead till reset or they should drop aggro and not go through portals unless you as a player have entered combat with them.