I think my WoW account was hacked and I need help

I received an email from Blizzard telling me that my email address had been changed but I did NOT change it. Now I don’t know what to do because when I try to log into the account with my email address, it says there’s no account with that email address. Since I can’t log in, I can’t get to my account or even get to customer service. How do I get in touch with Blizzard to recover my account without having my email. I didn’t put my phone number in unfortunately :frowning:

I know my blizzard battle tag and of course I know information about the account. I just need some help.

BTW, what happened is that I got a message in game saying it was from Blizzard and that if I didn’t log into this blizzard warning website, my account would be suspended so I did and after that is when I got the email that my email address had been changed.

You want to go to:

Make sure your computer is completely secure. You can submit a ticket without logging into an account, but just be aware you’ll be asked questions to verify you are the account holder. You’ll need to submit those answers in a new ticket, and make sure you do not reply to the email directly. When sending your answers, reference the original ticket number.


I tried that link but when I click to submit a ticket, it asks for my login information.

Follow the steps here: https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/9852

You will need to secure your system first. If they chanegd your email, they had enough information (and access to your email) to do that. They got your info because you logged into their phishing site. This goes beyond your WOW account, since they likely have access to your email, they could potentially get access to bank accounts/etc. So you need to change all your passwords.

Once that is dealt with, you need to submit a ticket from that link to recover your account.

The message you received in game was NOT from Blizzard, and the site they sent you to was fake. That’s how they got your info.


You can try https://us.battle.net/support/en/help/contact/322/ticket, but I don’t believe that’s ideal.

What you can do is create a new Battle.net account and use that to submit a ticket. Reference the original account and as much information as you can remember. That’ll allow you to use the link in the support article.


Yes, if you can’t create a ticket, you may have to create a new account (just for the purposes of getting this issue resolved, it’s not an account you’ll need to keep).

Also, those phishing sites often leave nasty things behind, so I’d also recommend scanning your computers as well. This is what I use: https://www.malwarebytes.com/mwb-download


One other option I’ve discovered is this link: https://us.battle.net/support/en/verify/anon/email?stateRef=/support/en/help/product/services/316/979/solution

However, the best option would be to create a new Battle.net account and use that.


Ok I ran my regular virus software and that was ok. I ran the malwarebytes one and 1 item came up that is taken care of. I sent a message using that link and got a ticket number but I can’t check it because I can’t log in. Should I make another account even though I already have a ticket number? I can’t believe I fell for it. I feel so stupid :frowning: Thanks all for your help.

Edit: I got my account back thanks to the awesome people at Blizzard! Thanks also to all of you, it really helped me a lot.

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