No, I will give my opinion which is based on experience. Me saying that old flying is clearly better and the way this one was implemented makes Dragons a joke does not mean you CANT like it. lol…seriously.
And yes, I said I hope dragons die because clearly they are too weak to live due to how they cant fly better than a carpet can, just faster. This does mean that dragon flying should also die because it was a stupid idea to make it a world flying system instead of a flying game competition or something where those skills and limitations are only used to add that new type of limited gameply, much like we have seen in many other previous expansions where we get on a flier and have to do some stupid task for a quest or in an instance. think Nexus in Wrath. You get on a DRAGON OMG WE HAD DRAGONS WE COULD FLY ON BACK THEN! Had a fireball skill, shield skill, heal skill.
But outside, in the real world a dragon should be able to fly better than a damn carpet can and not just faster. Faster, is not better and MANY clearly agree, im not the only person in this thread saying it and there have been MANY large threads with many players saying the same since this xpac released.
At least my complain comes with the fact it makes dragons look weak and not just “its poopy”, which it is. Guild Wars 2 had its flying this way to protect the games core design of being truly 3 dimensional, with vertical zone design, jumping puzzles, hiding paths to get higher and such. This game has nothing to protect and flying should have no limits in the outside zones.
Sure is a good thing that ive said a lot more than that then…troll.
I keep hearing how DF is a success and I am not seeing it.
DF is so quiet and barren. In game, forums, youtube channels, etc.
IF DR is the expansion feature it sure is very polarizing given that BlizZard is holding TBC flying hostage again but this time attaching poison pills to have access to what we have had since TBC.
I would say add flaps. Dragons fly more like real airplanes while regular flying is more like real helicopters. On real airplanes the way you slow down to land is by lowering the flaps. It increase the camber of the wing providing more lift and more drag which means flying at lower speeds without stalling.
What I do instead, to make a soft landing, is to fly to the point I want to land at high speed, turn straight up, then while pointed straight up fly slowly down to the ground. Or course if I’m in a hurry I just point to the ground and crash.
I’d remove the vigor cost for the initial flap-into-the-air, maybe make that a little weaker if necessary. Right now it’s annoying to ride around big cliffs, it would be nicer if the cost of “can I actually reach that ledge with one boost? guess not” wasn’t waiting for two points of vigor to recharge sloooowly.
I’d also like a better HUD. I still don’t really have a feel for when I’m going fast enough to get vigor or what angle will make me slow down while gliding. There’s no reason not to put that information at the player’s fingertips.
If it were me, even old flight would do that. If you stop moving forward, you lose lift and start falling to the ground. That would get rid of that AFK flying some seem to be tossing fits about, I’d think.
no…if you nose down you keep up a pretty good speed that recharges your vigor.
if youre not recharging vigor, you arent nosed own quite enough.
You can then fire skyward ascent to gain a little altitude so you are pretty much mimicking level flight to some degree.
needs, yes…but some variety is nice, for some Im sure. SA is all I personally use.
I like it as it rewards an otherwise mundane task by giving you quicker travel for paying attention.
I currently don’t like that when doing races this is the quickest ability (Look up, spacebar, fLook down quickly), so it’s pretty much the only 1 which is needed.
I was going to reply to him with “then how did Bulders Gate 3 turn out so well since most of it was made during Covid” but realized people like him will just ignore anything outside their narrow beliefs.
I would probably add the caveat that, yeah, the “looking up, ascending, then looking back down” doesn’t feel great. I would personally probably just remove the speed-boost property entirely, to focus more on actually flying. And since there would also be a minimum-speed that you go regardless, I think it would be less painful to “build up” your speed.