I think most would agree Dragonriding was a success, but possible improvements?

I would say that Dragonriding has been wildly successful. It’s not just faster, but it simply feels better than traditional flying. I would be perfectly content with it carrying on as-is and being implemented across the whole game.

However, I did want to pitch a few personal thoughts on maybe further improving it as a more “evergreen” feature.

  1. Add a “minimum speed”, no more automatically descending to ground

This really isn’t even an issue once you’ve unlocked everything, but it can still feel pretty frustrating. This will connect with some other suggestions below, but the main point is that it sucks to feel like you’re “waiting on something to recharge”.

  1. Generating momentum should be more important

One of the few things I dislike about Dragonriding, is that you have this great idea of flying down to generate speed and momentum, but you lose speed far too quickly. It forces you to use those abilities that otherwise wouldn’t need to exist, and in doing so, I think loses a lot of the “fun” of Dragonriding.

  1. “Skyward Ascent” is the only ability that needs to exist

I’m sure a lot of time went into designing those other abilities, but they’re ultimately unnecessary, particularly with the above changes. I’m a firm believer that “less is more”, and I would argue you could get rid of the extra Dragonriding bar and Vigor orbs entirely, just have the space-bar function as-is. I might even have it slow your forward momentum a bit (not a complete stop), just to encourage flying up and down to gain speed and momentum, with the upwards swoop just being there more as a fall-back.

  1. Dracthyr “Soar” should be full-blown Dragonriding

This is so obvious it seems a little insulting it hasn’t already been implemented, but obviously it needs to be said, so here; I’m saying it. The Dracthyr should be able to use the Dragonriding mechanics using Soar, without losing a beat.

  1. Give Druids a version of Dragonriding (and possibly Demon Hunters as well)

Druids are masters of shapeshifting, and I think it would make complete sense for them to gain the ability to use Dragonriding mechanics as well. Similarly, Demon Hunters might seem a bit of a stretch, but if they can sprout demonic wings… well, why not?


While I agree with basically everything here, I would love these changes especially. Not totally sold on demon hunters, but I also wouldn’t be opposed. It’s insane that Soar wasn’t dragonriding in the Isles out of the box.


Idk. Just make vigor recharge aiming whatever direction i want. Why my mount can stall out, idk.

Maybe make vigor recharge on the ground take at most 5 seconds if not in combat.

Idk how they gonna deal with the talent tree post df if dragon riding goes game wide but only glyphs are in dragon isles

Most wouldnt agree since its the lowest selling xpac they have made. And while some of your suggestions would slightly improve dragon riding, dragon riding still sucks and your druid idea would enrage just about everyone not a druid for not also getting free dragon riding.

And no, you cannot form an argument explaining how Dragons, masters of the sky should ever not being able to be better flying than my carpet, which can up, down, left right and not get tired. Faster, is not better. Its just faster. What dragons are in this game now are weak, pathetic fast mounts worthy of contempt and frankly, I hope they all die out because this mechanic took away everything amazing about them.


If they can find a way to make the system not feel too bad with xpac resets I’d enjoy that. As it stands, it feels horrible playing on a new account if you’re used to a fully unlocked tree. Maybe increase cost of perks and increase tge impact they have to compensate. I like that you have to explore for the glyphs though, hope they keep that around.

Highly disagree.

That would be absolute trash boring.

It’s an absolute travesty we don’t have this.

Yes please.



If nothing else, #4 and #5 are absolutely must’s, imo. #3 I’m a bit iffy on since I like Whirling Surge, which has functions beyond maintaining speed like evading attacks and dismounting players in War Mode.

Other improvements I’d like to see would be:

  • A toggle between regular flying and dragon riding (datamined files suggest they’re already experimenting with this)
  • Extending dragon riding to more mounts (again, datamined files suggest this is already being worked on)

You mean lowest selling after the disasters that were BfA and SL . You mean the first expansion released after so many were stuck at home due to covid lock downs and were now able to get out and do stuff they couldn’t due for 2 years.

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Did you just actually try to say this expansions low sales were due to covid lockdowns ending and the world returning to what it was like BEFORE COVID?!? Did WoW not exist before covid or did covid suddenly make people not want to play video games anymore?

lol…thats some serious straw grasping going on right there. Much like attempting to blame it on previous expansions as if great expansions do not cause players to RETURN. ROFLMAO :clown_face:


If I recall correctly, sales are lower but retention is higher with more positive reviews overall. I’m not sure if that correlates to dragonriding itself being unsuccessful, either way.

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  1. Making drake and dragon mounts share the skin with dragonriding mounts that use the same body skeleton so that we have more mount types to dragonride

I am completely satisfied with dragon riding, the contunally added races and the continually added glyphs/abilities.

Are you just bad at it? I fail to see a negative with the system.

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No I did say it contributed but I also said the previous 2 expansions also had a factor in it also . But I see you decided to cherry pick instead of taking all that was said.

I was using this horrible flight design years before you knew it even existed. Its ripped right out of Guild Wars 2. They just combined their 2 flying mounts together into one giant garbage mount. I accept your ignoring the reasons and only quoting 4 words I posted as concession to your not having an actual argument also.


I explained BOTH of your reasons…

Now then, about that cherry picking what people say to pretend like they did not dismantle all your points…


I would say it’s a failure for one reason only. I can’t afk while flying to my destination.


Dragonriding doesnt suck you just dont like it. Good thing it will probably be optional so you can still afk and tab out

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So dragonriding isn’t successful based on people who never tried it to begin with?

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I hate when I’m about to reach a landing perch, only to loss momentum just before getting there, and I end up dropping, scraping the side of the mountain or tree or whatever.

I would distil DR’g to how to use Angle and Thrust.

See comment #2. Still, I’ve found Whirling Surge useful on occasion, though yeah, I don’t see much need for Surge Forward. But Bronze Rewind: I’ve found that helpful, and it’s fun to use when I remember I have it.