I Think MM Rework Means Tinkers Are Coming

So you’re saying we should bully all tinker players? Yea I can agree with that, you have to have bad taste to decide to even like a class concept called “tinker”

We need a tinker class. It will be the first new mail wearing class in many years (we don’t talk about evokers, oh no no no).

That tonkers thread was funny.


I think it’s an interesting theory, but I can’t say I agree with it. I think this is more of a “Combat vs Outlaw” situation where the devs are taking the opportunity to change a spec with a really boring class fantasy and notable holes in it’s gameplay.

The main reason I disagree is simply because marksmanship isn’t really in tinkers toolkit. Like sure they can shoot a gun, but Metamorphosis is basically Demon Hunters entire thing. I think if they introduced a marksmanship focused spec for a tinker, it’d be a waste of a specs class identity because there’s way cooler stuff tinkers could be doing beyond “shoot a gun kinda good”.

Good lord, is there anything Tinker fanboys won’t see as a harbinger of their obsession?

For over a decade, MM has had to have a pet even though we didn’t want one, because the rewards they put on the pet were too strong. Now they’re finally pushing it in the direction of not having a pet.

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Mechanically, yes. Thematically, no. They’re making the pet core to MM’s class fantasy and ensuring that it’s still reliant on it’s bestial companion, just in a different way to a BM Hunter.

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I said Necromancers won’t come because we already have a Necromancer class (DKs). Them not fitting a theme is the least of the problem,

No, chief. You said the classes were launched based on the expansion theme and when I pointed out that the thrid is gonna take place in Northren, you assured me it would have nothing to do with undead as if you had an insider at Blizzard feeding you information. So cut the crap.

As long as we call them tinklers.

A sad, but steady stream of DPS.

IMHO we should call them Tonkers and give them all a Tonk.

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Okay? And a Necromancer class doesn’t fit the theme of a Titan expansion.

So long as they’re exposed at the top of the tank to point a sword at their next target.

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Neither does your tinkerer, but you don’t hear me beating the drums about it.

Is this what the kids call a “copium overdose?”

Much to the contrary.

This is an “I’ve seen this disaster before and it’s gonna happen again…”

Marksman has a clear fantasy.

Survival did not and still does not.

The survey leaks talk about tinkers potentially using titan technology. It would generalize the class instead of it being tied to only gnomes/goblins.

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Just FYI, Mimiron is a titanic keeper, and has been called a Tinker on multiple occasions.

Dear God please let them pick a new class better than Tinker!

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I know Tinkers are coming. I’ve felt it in the game for a long while. I also suspect the other “class ideas” from this floating survey are possible “hero” specs for other classes whose specs are boring. I’m excited for the MM rework, and cannot wait to play a Tinker.

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