I think its time we remove T-mog restrictions

At this point, its really silly to have t-mog restrictions. We should be allowed to transmog anything whether it be cloth, leather, chain, or plate.

Blizzard, please remove these restrictions!



Stop trying to erode every last vestige of what makes this an RPG.

And yes I know the murloc pajamas exist, and no I do not care.

Still no.


I think you should be able to wear all lighter versions of armor

Like leather can wear cloth as well, mail can wear leather and cloth, etc


It’s silly that I can run around in murloc pajamas, magic girl clothes, or with candy cane swords but I can’t transmog a cloth hood or mail boots.


Hunter should be able to mog leather as well. My hunt still has all the leather gear it got from when I first made it, my retail hunt has every piece of gear EVER that it has worn. Started out using leather till it could use mail.

And my warrior started out with mail. But that toon doesn’t have any of its starting gear. And pally has some of its starting mail gear too. So the classes that used to start out with the other stuff should be able to mog to that too.


Worth an experiment for a familiar set. :robot::test_tube:

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There are plenty of outfits that doesn’t look like what they are supposed to represent. Also, there are classic sets that cannot be worn by the classes they were designed for now when we start out with full armour skill at creation. It used to be level 40 for warriors and paladins to learn to wear plate after all.

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Hard no. Nope.

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The only thing I would to see restrictions removed on is level. Let my baby characters have the transmogs.

And maybe letting profession gear be real transmog gear.

Have you tried being more creative with your mogs? If you want plate looking gear I hear Torghast has some sweet cosmetics

Since so much mail gear is ugly brown, I’d love to be able to use the more colorful cloth mogs.


Role play should mean you can wear whatever clothes you want to wear, without restrictions.


Who are you to tell me I can’t have a golden dress on my warrior. Its a lesser armor type I can use it so I should be able to Xmog it. Don’t like it… oh well.

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Keep restrictions
But I do think hunter should be able to mog leather!
They started with leather in OG game after all. Leather makes more sense thematically as well. GL sneaking up on a wild animal with your chain mail rattling


Your class designates what armor you’re trained to wear effectively. That is an RPG staple.

Honestly I want to Xmog my warrior to look like the Greyguard from BFA and to do that I need to be able to xmog Chainmail shoulders. There is nothing wrong with that kind of xmog choice. The thing is people are so intitled to think they are going to tell others how to play the game they are paying for. Get out. When you pay for my account you can tell me what I can and cant ask for.


No, hunters, you will not un-ugly yourselves under any circumstances.

Blizzard will continue to make stinky terrible tier sets and that’s that.

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Role play does not always involve being in combat and wearing armor.

Besides, there are already appearances in the game that go against the “armor you’re trained to wear” thing. That ship has sailed, and sunk.


Blizzard, remove ALL transmog restrictions and let me mog druid forms in any class.

Druid forms are just transmog, after all.