I think it's time to make multi boxing against the rules

There is nothing to prevent a person doing that in the TOS. In fact, in the past that wouldn’t even have worked, it is a byproduct of making herb nodes multitap.

Someone willing to put more time than you in the game will always outcompete you; multiboxers are also willing to put more money into monthly subs (that blizzard will never not sell them) and the technical set up.

There are plenty of people that claim to play the market just fine without multiboxing, although I suspect many of them have 2 or more accounts anyway.

You can still farm herbs and undercut the multiboxers if you like.

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Not sure if I fit into this multiboxer definition, although I do have three accounts in my bnet. The main thing I do with all of them online at once, is to run a dungeon or raid with three armor classes, so the game has less chance to cheat me out of armor tokens. I ran Eye of Azshara with a Mage, Druid, and Death Knight, and I swear all of the purples were Mail. :triumph:

Multboxxers are the reason why you can afford old world mats and Zin’Anthid isn’t 400g each on the AH.

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If at any point that Multiboxing goes away, it would be because of the way their multi-box software functionality like ISBoxer works within WoW, not because they’re griefing. It would have to be with the way it “clones” the button presses to the other accounts, but it’s a grey area. It’s not automating the button press like rotation automators were doing when the bans went out in Legion, it’s simply cloning a press by the player - and it’s not exactly against the ToS.

And I’ve never agreed with the take that the Brutosaur was targetted at AH power users. The real people the brutosaur was targeted at is much more sinister - it’s designed to get people buying absurd amounts of tokens - where the AH Power Users were profiting was with free game time from buying those tokens.

At the end of the day - The tokens are driving a majority of the issues people have with the game, like sales and huge gold sink mounts.

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I feel like the expectation changed over time. Early in the expansion was that you could earn it, if you know what you’re doing. Raw gold, AH, selling runs, etc. Then, as the announcement was leaked, to move it to the BMAH, it started to feel more like tokens would be some players’ only option.


I think its time to make these troll threads against the rules.


Thats just stupid. one has nothing to do with the other. They can throttle the AH without even blinking about boxing. LMAO.
The AH ‘problem’ is resolved by killing the cancel option. Boxing has nothing to do with it.


Well, thats what happens when people try to take on 7-8 characters by
themselves. They are going to die 7 on 1 multiboxer or not.

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And we’re tired of you attacking it. So theres that, lol

asinine. your ‘morality’ is joke. You dont care about murdering characters in a VIDEO GAME, but you draw the line at making gold, lol.


I agree I am going to make a community petition!

Dont confused these people with reality.
When I was running the AH, I rarely had time to farm.
When I farm I have no time to run the AH.
They clearly havent got a clue about either in here.

make sure to let everyone know that admins here CAN tell if you sign it on alts :wink:

Yeah stop those people from spending more money and take less from 1% of the community, they’re affecting the entire game when they can only farm mats and gank people in pvp that aren’t smart enough to turn warmode off.

Frankly anyone who thinks farming mats is how to make gold in this game is utterly oblivious, lol.
Thats why they want 400G per zin…they think its owed to them because they spent 30 minutes farming today, lol.
Farming old raids for mogs and pets…THAT is how to make gold.
Flipping on the AH, not farming, THAT is how to make gold.
Farming mats is chump change…boxers or no boxers

my bad then. Deleted

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Despite multi boxing being 100% LEGAL in WoW, Blizzard does not understand the “s*** storm” that’s coming in Shadowlands for multi-boxer farming herbs and ore when everyone and their brother will be out there to do the same the “legit” way.

I’m against multi-boxers, I hate when they sap one node with 5-10 “bots” but, that’s on Blizzard on how to deal with them. This is all what players can do, is just have their own opinions about the matter. Players just use the tools that’s available to them to get the job done more efficiently. As the saying goes “If you can’t beat em, join em”. I personally will never multi-box no matter how “easy” it is.

At this point, it’s whatever…just wait for Shadowlands and you’ll see how much worse it will be in the beginning rather just mainly in Najatar right now at the end of the expansion.

Yup I just consider all the people that farm and don’t know how to make gold as my unofficial employees, I then snipe their hard work and or flip or craft with it and make what they could’ve in a few minutes while I’m watching tv and spending 1-10% of the same effort to make more gold they did.

I might laugh at it and fire up my other four accounts for the month and go box just for you, lol

Forum Moderator Note: Petition posts are frowned upon on our forums.

That sniping thing…holy crap. I bought stuff on the AH for like 15gold and ended up with 5000 or more for it, lol.
I was a little bummed when the snipe thing stopped working right.