I think it's time for the former 6 time world first casual mom to retired

As a forum tourist sad dad casual weekend death knight supremely worstest in the history of wars and crafts, I am truly sad OP

I don’t chase gear. So for me, it’s the silly adventures and the mudskippers I dance with along the way.

Have fun wherever you go

:crab: :izakaya_lantern: :crab: :izakaya_lantern:

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This kind of accomplishment is fsr from casual. Getting every class to max ilevel nuts smd no casual feat. Now, I am inclined to agree that the crafting requirements are outrageous, but how you play is anything but casual.

We get that a lot of the forums.
“I’m a casual but I have accomplished something that 99.5% of the player base hasn’t.”

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Title is 0.1% not 1%, usually 1% falls near 3100

But yea you’re probably right. I was just leaning on the generous side if they were somehow telling the truth.

I’m not saying it doesn’t? Idk what you’re trying to strawman here. I get it. I too work and have 2-3 characters barely over 3k. I’m well aware it’s possible. However I would never call myself a casual that’s my point. bc for me to achieve those on just 2-3 characters is probably at least twice as much work or time investment that any average player is doing let alone 13 characters. Skill obviously matters more than time. But you can’t sit here and claim to do as much as 13x more work as top 1-2% players and then say you’re “casual”. (Outside of being most likely a fat lie)

Casual is a nebulous term that’s meaning changes relative to what it is being compared to. Do you measure it by time played, or the kind of content one completes?

I too am a 20 year player who happens to be Female IRL…I’ve put A LOT of hours into this game up to DF. I have played many different toons which combined- hours flew by. There is so much that I miss , I have a really hard time firing up the game since DF. I have played more than a few hours of The War Within and I’m not feeling the same about this game anymore.
I miss the story lines each xpac provided until DF. What bothered me most was that professions were no longer (with hard work) obtainable to the players individual accomplishment … I use to be able to make my own potions to use without the hassle -like it is now. There are so many other flaws I could mention but, what’s the use?
I miss Xpacs like TBC, LK, and esp Legion. I no longer feel that I am in a fantasy land -where maps seemed big and had plenty to do. I even miss Vanilla and the 10 to 20 hour battles in AV. I loved PVPing until the balance was effected. Anyways I feel your sentiments and I’m feeling basically the same way as you covered. 20 years of play until DF turned things all around for the worst IMO… Enuf said…Peace =Laurel

They are obtainable to individual players though.

Adjust to your in-game expectations to a level you can live with. If you can’t find that sweet spot, then there’s no sense in staying. You can always come back later if things change. As a near-20-year WoW vet, you know Blizzard adjusts WoW systems all the time. Maybe the pendulum will swing back in your favour.

Not in the way it use to be. unless they changed the process. Used to be Level your Alchemy -train buy some vials and make. Herbing was tedious but the rewards /another potion. I hate all the fussy table work you need to do, just more busy work to keep your mind off of other things you could be doning…

agree that bliz stretching out the wow grind has really made the game less fun over the last many years

chasing metrics rather than fun, manipulating rather than entertaining

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