I think it's safe to assume

They are playing different games much like everybody else who used to stream wow or retail wow at least.

Just because retail is not their first and only priority doesn’t mean they don’t exist

We don’t stack anything. Everyone plays whatever toon they want to.

SAS and DJL dont have restrictions or anything of such to join in on EBG’s. Just jump on any toon and q with teh grp

The only way for certain people to feel better about themselves is to claim someone else is for example, stacking, cheating, hacking, because ya know, it must be impossible for someone to just be better than someone else, LOL.

I can’t kill this person! They must be cheating! Or ya know, that person isn’t as good as they thought.

People hallucinate all the time, LOL.

If you actually think that you are “outskilling” 35 people because they cant kill you while you do a brainless 3 button pve rotation that is groundbreaking delusion


Are any tank players in random bgs any good though?


I wasn’t referring to tanks, I meant players as a whole, as in any class/spec they choose, the stuff you hear is common.

I have seen many people accuse a lot of different dps specs as cheating. I do genuinely laugh when I see people say it in-game.

Lol, not once did I mention myself.

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If your question is genuine then I do not mind answering it correctly.

Because I have seen a lot of players do well.

Who’s Archie and which community do they play with?

They’re like the Akatsuki.

Even if nobody is explicitly told what to play, I think some premade members still take a look around to see if their raid needs more healers or whatnot. They want their premade raid to succeed and they’re being helpful.

It is rather difficult to take down a tank in Ashran…

We put one healer in each group that way we don’t have one group popping early. That’s about it though. Everybody brings whatever they want to play.

Archie is the leader of the guild that rhymes with pooin’. They report things as “real life threats” if you say their name, lol.

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Very true, depending on the tank/player of course, but if people worked together it can be done, and I have been part of a lot of teams where it has been done, I myself included when I have played as other dps, I have enjoyed trying to take down a tank, I find it very fun.

A lot of players will even tell the other players what to do in order to kill a particular tank. That is called good team work, they don’t sit there and complain.

Alliance use say chat to communicate how to kill me, and I encourage them all the time. At least those particular people try

I have the buff that allows me understand them, it’s hilarious. I have met a few cool alliance players who do not get mad and just enjoy.

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Wait, that prevents groups from getting queue pops early?

Do other premade communities know this trick?

Yes, it is known that having too many healers in one group will make that group pop first most of the time. It’s common knowledge. So if I have four healers, I put one in each group.

I knew that.


im tellin yuh its cuz he likes to peek at the ladies theres a reason cow caught him with xray glasses in ashran


thats me i always try i never run away ill be the wild one that chases u solo even as a healer :dracthyr_nod: :dracthyr_nod: :dracthyr_nod: :dracthyr_comfy_sip: :dracthyr_comfy_sip: :dracthyr_comfy_sip: :dracthyr_nod: :dracthyr_nod: :dracthyr_nod: :dracthyr_comfy_sip: :dracthyr_comfy_sip: :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

im still scarred for life after reading those ss of him :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

See you all soon :smiley: