I think it's safe to assume

I’ll be waiting for you to catch me outside of ashran or even better out of blood spec.

Guess i’m in for the long haul

ooooooooooooooo can i watch :smirk: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:

Wellllll welll welllllll… another ruin player crying on the forums about the same thing.

Surrender indeed.

You’re gm is a naz* just stop

99 bottles of beer on the wall 99 bottles of beer, ya take one down pass it around now 98 bottles of beer on teh wall :smiley:

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boring class? LMAO
only good for trolling, (passive benefit really), in 1 bg… Good BDK’s dominate any bg

Either way, love this post. Keep em coming

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Not really put a blood dk in almost any bg and they will get destroyed no health buff and also most importantly they do quite literally 0 damage.

The only purpose they serve is to troll and be a nuisance

On the real! Where yall at? All I see are Druids + Pallies + Hunters

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i q on my dk sometimes cough but this nelf armor got me so excited imma b on hunter for awhile

tbf anyone that ques any epic bg all day has no life and is def the bottom tier of wow players. If you are not regularly seen in the gulch then you are not a real wow pvper anyway.

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i feel attacked :dracthyr_nod: :smirk: :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :upside_down_face: :melting_face: :cupcake: :cupcake:

i mean sometimes i do regs sometimes :smirk: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

Good, get your butt into the gulch with some pals and capture some flags already.

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OP, are you mainly talking about horde DKs or alliance DKs? Just curious. Whatever the case the terribleness of trashran + oppressive tank specs makes that eBG 3000% teh worst evar.

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Dks on both. me saying I didn’t like horde doing it but ally doing it is fine would be hypocritical just the act of specific queuing this one bg all day every day for the past 3 weeks just to run at the boss and distract the whole team and in general make the bg more of a unfun chore for everybody except you is just gross. They are a plague

OK, and yeah it is tiresome…

Those damn DKs are such a “blood plague” i tell ya!
Makes me wanna “Rune Tap” out

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Stop. You stop that right now.

all your WISHES to COME
Even the ONES YOU don’t
your BOTTLE’S of MILK,
Milk is good for FEAR,
We heard!

CHEER’S :milk_glass::milk_glass:

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You posted this thread…. Lol

he’s just another ruin kid crying again because he can’t have his own grouping of blood dk’s in their ashran premade, pretty much par for the course.

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