That has more to do with the crest cap than crest acquisition. Weren’t you here constantly complaining about gearing in 4 weeks in DF season 3 was way too fast? It almost sounds like this is what you wanted.
I do agree that raid needs to drop more crest but not at the amount the content completely becomes by far the best method to get crest while the other pillars won’t even come close. This is why capping delves the way they are is super annoying.
If you are a mythic raider doing the bare minimum its 3 off from the cap a week until you unlock achievements. Again not the end of the world.
Now if Blizzard would increase crest drops by +5 across the board in raid this becomes a non issue but you’ll still have to do m+ for additional myth vault chances which I’d rather not start arguing about.
Heck increasing the delve cap to 30 instead of 21(why) would go a very long way.
Even with the map, that’s 61-81 based on how many mythic bosses, and if your guild is still doing last 2 heroic before crest upgrading. There’s a substantial difference between missing 3/week and 9-29.
Again 87 is the absolute bare minimum. Most 2 day mythic raid guilds I’ve been in has required at least 2 vault slots every week so there is that you’d be overcapping crest regardless. Either way we can agree to disagree but I am not worried about crest cap min/max as the issue goes beyond that.
I seriously doubt that. Many just don’t want to tank and deal with the responsiblity that goes with the role. Others have given up tanks because they have been treated poorly or dislike the changes making them less self sufficient.
I never said there weren’t other reasons why people choose not to tank. But I’ve been in my current guild since the beginning of BFA, and every season in that time we’ve had someone choose to play a non-tanking class due to not having a tank spot in raid when they would have preferred to tank that season. I won’t try to claim a percentage for which this happens, but it definitely does happen for some.