I think it's high time raiding is changed

All we do is talk about M+ and how that needs changing, no one really or ever makes mention of raiding, so here are my 2 cents.

LFR needs either a pre-requisite or a smaller more personal raid size:
It’s not fair to those who show up to try that some players show up to be carried, purposely. Especially players who join as heals or tank to skip the queue, players with zero intention of doing anything, zero intention of learning, zero intention of trying and are ‘rewarded’ for their efforts.

Now I am not talking about players who have done some practice and want to learn more about raiding, I’m referring to those slackers, some which are mythic geared, who will do whatever they can do avoid pressing buttons.

I think it’s high time we allow for 5 man raids, or 10 with one tank. Same issues people experience with mythic is happening to many I know in normal and heroic raids, cannot find enough people to regularly show up.

My guild started with over 40 players interested in raiding, we had a signup sheet and all. Season started and we only once had more than 20 players while struggling to find a second tank each week and barely enough heals. And the funny part of this was that half the time the people in the raid didn’t even sign up on the weekly signups and half of those who did signup didn’t show up.

I think I have been the only mainstay tank in both my current and previous guild for at least the entire SL, DF and so far, all of TWW. And not for lack of trying either, we have recruited, we have regular discussions with the guild, we just, don’t have enough people show up.

Scaling raids. Why after all this time, and with the participation numbers dropping to some paltry amount, do we still NEED 20 people? But it’s not just 20, we have the Roster Boss to deal with, you need 20 on the night, with 5 or so spare to take over when needed, either because someone cannot make it, or someone may be under performing, maybe someone doesn’t need said boss and you can bring another in who does need it.

25 or so players with any on the roster over 20 sitting out that night, possibly for the entire week, maybe even never getting a spot at all for any number of reasons is unfair to the players. This expansion is the first expansion I have not done a single mythic raid boss, for various reasons, but mostly because we have never had 20 show up bar one raid night.

Numbers are down in M+, so they look at making changes.

Numbers are down in raid also, but they do nothing?


Thats called a dungeon.


Because raiding is perfect.

2 tanks is not an unreasonable demand at all. Especially because raid tanking is relatively easy compared to M+ tanking.

Mythic raiding requires 20 people because there’s mechanics that are very specifically designed for that particular number. Normal and heroic are afforded the flexibility for the more casual guilds.


sir you may be on to something here.


The participation numbers say otherwise.

Fun fact, Blizzard designs heroic raiding first, then they dumb it down for normal and further dumb it down for LFR, while adding stuff for mythic. They can very easily just not add so much when they add the mythic stuff, or what they do it make it scalable for less than 20 people.


Where do I see these participation numbers?


I don’t think smaller raid size does anything there.

What I want them to do is weight LFR loot rolls by how much activity time you had on the boss.

So if you were only doing something for 25% of the boss fight, all your loot rolls would get multiplied by 0.25.



It’s the end of the season and most people who want to do raids have already hit their goals.

That sounds like a personal problem.

Those players are perfectly capable of finding a guild where they can have a spot. There are countless guilds out there.


You don’t actually play this game, do you.


What an awful idea. LFR is where players should be going to learn the basics of the fights and basics of their spec and rotation before moving onto higher tiers. You want to punish new/bad players for playing where they’re supposed to be just because other people are sitting there doing nothing?


Activity time is just how much time are they actively doing something.

It doesn’t have to be the correct thing, but they just need to be doing something.


So a new player going into LFR for the first time dies to mechanics while trying to learn, and you’re saying their roll for loot should be gutted for it? And the people farming it who probably don’t even need the loot should get it because they know what to do and stayed alive?

Ridiculously dumb idea. Not only based on your reasoning, but on the fact that rolls should be 100% RNG and not influenced at all by subjective criteria. If Blizzard put in mechanics to influence rolls it would open up an insane can of worms that “the game is preventing me from getting loot”.


That question could be applied to 95% of the users here tbh.


raid for the most part are fine the only ting I would say need to change it the number of bosses why do you need more than 6, 7 at the most.

I’m not expert or know how game are made but if there were less bosses to make per raid we could end up with more raid per expansion or I would hope that would be the case at least, we are talking about today blizzard I’m would be surprise if they could make a ham sandwich right at this point.

So it would go from “never drops” to “really never drops”?

No, they need to increase loot drops. I shouldn’t spend half an hour in queue for a raid and then get nothing but gold.


Not a chance

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In order to increase loot drops Blizz would have to reintroduce titan-forging so that players will keep raiding after they got the gear.

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That’s what the upgrade system is doing anyway.

20 years of trash packs :sleeping:

Probably because the entire game is structured around Mythic+ now.

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