I think I'm going to cry

Are they displaying a lack of confidence?
Or are they out of IP to work on?

Someone would of classified what World of Warcraft game play is, and how they can cover it. This could be a limiting factor as to what they are willing to fund and what gets approved.

Moving too far from the IP moves the conceptual control posts and has the duality of both extending 'what is WoW, what is expected of WoW and reducing what they legally own.

They should have planned before anyone reserved space on a server. They should have anticipated that faction imbalance on PvP servers, once it started, would inevitably become worse, and should have been prevented.

The day people rolled, if their faction was overrepresented, they should have gotten a message stating that given the current faction representation, there would likely be substantial queues to login for their faction members, and offer them the following options:

  1. Roll anyway.
  2. Roll a character of the other faction.
  3. Try another realm.

These options should have been made known in advance, so people would not be surprised if they saw them.

Instead Blizz ignored faction balance entirely, instead putting their efforts into population balance between realms. So the minority faction disproportionately took advantage of free server transfers, leaving faction balance much worse.

The maw is supposed to be a torture chamber of a place, this change fulfills that promise. Welcome to the Maw!!!

Well, i don’t know what they want it to be, but i can tell you right now i don’t pay for a sub so i can play poor man’s beachhead or Match 2. The only reason i’m excited for Torghast is because roguelikes are such an addicting genre. Wow doesn’t even know what it’s supposed to be anymore.

What does it say about the state of development if the thing im most excited for in wow, is being able to play a different game inside of it?

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I haven’t been in the beta myself but the bigger issue seems to be the weekly lockout from changing your conduit.

One change a week doesn’t seem like it’ll be enough.

Okay now i’m getting mad. This vision thing was already a waste of time, pretty sure it also was designed to have a zero taken off of the price of visions before they decided to add one.

This trial and error thing is going to teach the shareholders too late that the most successful companies involved with video games are those with passions for them.


Perhaps,it is time to leave this game with all these system ,variances ,timegates .and sockets that are worthless because you don’t get more powerful because a limit they have set from the beginning.I see no fun in this mess.

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I just hope I’m actually able to set aside some time to try runs of the twisting corridors. It’s something I’ve been looking forward to, but my rough Shadowlands todo list is looking packed with time-consuming activities. Hard choices will have to be made.

You see, allowing players to grind to their hearts content is bad for business, if players get what they need from ‘x’ content too fast, their engagement metrics charts go downwards, keeping players playing WoW about 2 hours a day doing daily chores keep people in check.

Here my take on metrics,if that’s what they want players to do.Go fishing ,it the same principle ,it’s a gamble,a chance ,and takes long to do,to some it’s fun to others it’s a drag. This here as it is is neither of these.

sounds crappy like most choices in retail wow lately. They seriously need to hire an outsider to shake things up. they have no imagination.

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I can’t say they don’t have imagination they are just following rails because it’s easier to do and the resources are there.

Bro I’m so pissed by this. Torghast was the one major thing I was excited to play alot in Shadowlands, and I was having a hard time justifying playing it over and over for fun because I was going to be missing out on progression, but the stygia earn made it a viable option.

Why does blizzard continue to cripple players for playing the way the players want to play, and forcing them into boxes? I’m a new player and at this point it’s just unwelcoming.


“Oh cool I got all my rank 1 conduits, I can come back in 9.2 to catch up their ranks and not waste time every day in The Maw”.

Kind of hard to retain players when they force on us a set amount of items.

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Reads like a foreign language to me. I didnt understand a single word. Guess I’ll find out if i buy the expansion.

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Just understand one concept and then every decision made by Blizzard makes sense.

Blizzard wants to artificially prolong the time you spend in game to acquire upgrades especially when they think they don’t have anything to keep people playing ingame without using time gates…

The amount of time gates will directly translate to their faith in the content released… which is seemingly low for SL launch.

Blizzard has weighed its customer base and decided they can get away with a certain amount of time gating and people wont leave. People wont leave…they will complain, attempt to provide feedback…Blizzard already knows about the issue they created it on purpose…

Just enjoy what is released and play alts as needed because this expansion is going to throttle single character progress while opening up alt progression… thats clearly the plan.

If you want to hammer a main to max gear level by staying up late nights you are going to be disappointed.

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The only way we will get answers from them is if millions of players all cancel their subs. That’s literally the only way we will get a response/fix.

People should cancel subs until the 1 week cd on conduits is removed. Its absolutely ridiculous this is their thinking.

Jeez, this already sounds bad.

Why can’t they have more than one thing to do, which rewards you, so players can do whatever they want?

you’re going to cry over a video game? yikes.

It’s not the game itself it’s the passion of the game.