I think I’m a boomer

looks around nO oNe WaNtS tO wOrK

Doomer, Gloomer, Zoomer, Goomba…names these days

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

Retail is fine, why don’t you like new things?


Not the case, recently the internet decided that if you are 30+ you are boomer.

I think I’m a boomer too, I see something that goes boom and I gotta make it go BOOM!

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And a perfect example of GenZ. :slight_smile:


ff forums are dead noone uses them

If that were true, the US wouldn’t be nearly as screwed up as it is.

The internet seems to decide alot of things nowadays. I think we would have been better off without it.

But yah, I have been called a boomer before. Basically, how I understand it is, it is like, hey, you are slow as heck. You are stubborn and old. Then again, I am a millenial. I didn’t have a phone. Or anything quite like what we have now. Where as zoomers, gen z is sometimes called that, have grown up their entire lives with them.

Now, I have no Idea when you had to be born to be a millenial. Like what is the bracket for that? No one seems to be able to decide on that one. My understanding is that the early 90’s was the last of them. But where does it start? 1980 is still a gen X year. Is there only like 5 years of millenials.

Gen Z is sometimes called zoomers because, Well they like to rebel. And yes the baby boomers were very rebellious. It is what they were known for. Especially the music that was being made and that was listened to during this time.

You would think I was a baby boomer by the music I listen to. Which is all baby boomer and gen X music. And I hate most of the change going on around me currently. Especially in the work place with all this inclusivity and political correctness bullcorn. So fun working with karens.

So, maybe I am stubborn and old. Everyone eventually reaches that point. You just get old. Nothing seems to matter anymore. Life is one giant fever dream.

I feel like we can talk about any given generation all we want, but, the 16 yolds of today will eventually have all the political power. I know we would like to all think that we are invincible, but the boomers, the gen x babies, the millenials, everyone. We will all eventually die.

Right now, there is just alot of political unrest. Especially when it comes to change. I don’t care for it. It happens so quickly. And it usually isn’t all that necessary either. Like what was wrong with the old way. And especially with that social performance anxiety. It isn’t fun having to constantly relearn. Over and over and over again. Because everything is in a different spot now. Or just changed entirely. I don’t get nostalgia either now. I still don’t think world of warcraft is nostalgic yet. Something used to last a good 30 years before it became nostalgic. Why can’t anything stay the same for more than 5 minutes.

I also hate how everyone seems to control the thinking and all that to. It seems to be a bit to george orwell 1984 going on in the modern day. And if you are doing it like this, or if you are thinking like that. You are stupid and are doing it wrong. Not a fan of that either.

We also seem to be completely taking the ability to educate away from teachers to. Like why? We should be allowing teachers to actually teach things. Millenials were the last generation to really be taught anything in school.

So yah. I am a millenial/boomer. Whatever the next big agenda is this week. Who cares. It is probably already outdated. Anything, anyone and everything, is whatever the next big agenda decides it is.

I often think about how the 2030’s and the 2040’s are going to turn out. Gonna be crazy for sure.

I will give you points on that one. That is all goblins know how to do. Make gold and make stuff blow up. Those freakin boomers man.

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Boomers are 1945 to 1964
Gen-X is 1965 to 1979
Millennials are 1980 to 1996.
Gen-Z is 1997 to 2010
Gen Alpha is 2011 today.

None of those years are absolutes though, there is always overlap. With the exception of the start of the Boomers because of the hard date of the end of WW2. They are Baby Boomers because of the post war boom.


*or in congress.

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Baby boomers, sometimes shortened to boomers, are the demographic cohort following the Silent Generation and preceding Generation X. The generation is often defined as people born from 1946 to 1964 , during the mid-20th century baby boom.

Meaning, ‘Boomers’ are aged 59 through 77, making the majority of them in their 60s. I was born in '63, and therefor am of that generation…but I reject being pigeon-holed into the cultural mindset generally attributed to them. In fact, I find that most ageist averments tend to sadly ignore individuality. Not that I’m saying you are doing that… :slightly_smiling_face:


missed boomer by a year and I love DF.

I think that its funny that, say millenials, often get offended if theyre called that, while not having any problem yelling ‘boomer’ at someone else.

I also find it funny how society loses all sense of direction when it stops paying attention to the generation that gave them what they have and is old enough to have learned a lot of important life lessons.

I’m Gen X and no the hockey pucks they don’t. Don’t insult Chrissy that way


I’m a Boomer and I prefer Retail.

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Well, obviously if a bunch of highly educated teenagers on the internet decided something, it must be true.

What are your thoughts on Millenials and Zoomers?

Depending on how you answer that determines if you’re a boomer or not.