I’ve given it a fair enough shot IMO, I’ve played with it for a good bit, looked at the customization options, and I can say I personally do not like it. I find myself literally only using it to get across the map, dismounting, and then using my normal mount to get through the neighborhoods and buildings I am trying to get to. Which to me defeats the purpose of D.R.I.V.E., which is due to it simply being too hard and frustrating to control.
When I think about a car, and I drive a manual shift car, I think about how when I let off the gas, I decelerate at a decent pace given the gears will start to decelerate you. This is true to an extent with automatic cars, yet D.R.I.V.E comes off as being designed around a manual style car. With D.R.I.V.E, it feels WAY too lose when you let off the gas, and that makes it very hard to control when you are trying to do finer movements. In which they seriously need to either add a brake function to it so that you have better control over finer movements, aside from installing things that decrease your acceleration.
With my other main gripe being it’s honestly not a true mount, in that you have to press 6, or whatever key you bound your eject to, to get off it, which makes it feel much more jarring in comparison to other mounts.
So yeah, not a fan of it over all, and I feel like this was a miss over a hit.
I feel like if the zone was bigger with less clutter it would be pretty cool. I do think that it helps immensely when going from Point A to Point B if they are 250+ yards away.
But doing small distances it’s better to use your ground mount
The issue is it was grafted onto the ancient vehicle system rather than designed like a mount using the successful dragon flight vigor system. So instead we get the faulty vehicle system we have always had. Not so “revolutionary” after all
My issue with D.R.I.V.E is it feels counter intuitive. There should be a keybind to change to assign only to drifting, rather than having jump and drift share a bind. I’ve done all the races on gold and reverse gold, but it doesn’t hit the same way dragon riding / sky riding did, and I think it’s because they’ve removed an element of direction (becoming ground based only) and it’s less in line with the normal amount of control people are used to. It can be fun in the right circumstances, but not as a primary means of traversal.
All of this might be more easily addressed in the future, but I just feel like it’s missing some things. The other part of the problem is skyriding felt like it was gonna stick around, and it did. D.R.I.V.E feels like it’s gonna get killed off here at the end of this patch. I get it, they tried something new, but it’s not sticking the landing well enough to be something we keep long term outside of goblin raceway handlers being thrown up around the world.
Damn, you’re right. It’s essentially like the vehicles from raids or PvP. Those have almost the exact same feel as the cart, except the cart has a higher top speed and can drift. The horrible controls are just like the siege engine machines in raids and PvP. What a total blunder.
See I’m fine with the speed, its just the fine movements that are presenting an issue for me, like I get how to drift when it comes to the main open roads. Its when I get into the narrow outer areas that I start running into things due to the acceleration and speed disallowing for finer movements, without the ability to use some form of a brake.
That to me is what’s missing, if we had a brake like we do with sky riding, that would solve a lot of issues. With the latter being adding in a gear shift mechanic that allows you to vary your speeds as you see fit.
To brake, release the throttle and use your backpeddle keybind. It’ll forcefully slow the car. That’s a nightmare without proper steering controls, but you can force the car to slow.
All in all, it’s just a half-baked system that was clearly not well thought out.
There are countless good driving and racing games out there, proving that driving in a game doesn’t have to be as bad as the DRIVE system currently is. That only highlights the contrast between a good driving system and the poorly implemented DRIVE system.
Yeah, it made it a bit better, but I still don’t like it personally, I just think that its a fun idea on paper, but the implementation just left it lacking.
I did the races today and they were doable, but it was frustrating getting them all on gold. The timing is super tight for gold on some of them and there’s so many little things you can just bump into for it to screw over the attempt.
If you do not enjoy drive you will not enjoy the races. Good call on skipping them.
Blizzard needs to accept that we want flying in every zone. Stop being weird about it and just give it to us. No achievements, no hoops to jump through, just flying.
See, I feel like the races were meant to be done in stages. Once you do Bronze, you get the engine which is reduced acceleration, but higher top end speed. Getting all of the races on gold after acquiring that engine had been much easier.
And, for what it’s worth, there was only two races that I felt had been impossible (literally) with the base engine, which was the WQ one yesterday and the sand one. Other than that, I got gold fairly easily on the others. The new engine made the other two much more doable.
Once I’ve done everything with it, achievements tied to it and what not, I’ll drop it. It’s not like there’s anything in Undermine that I’m desperately trying to get to in time. The Raid isn’t going anywhere and I got just about most of the rares.