ok dude, so i had a feeling you were…“special”, since it looked you were “complaining” about this for quite a few hours so i decided to check your posting history.
So not disapointed. You managed to complain on the forums about this issue for over 24 hours!! (do you work?sleep?).
Now, i also saw you defend batching, attack batching, defend changes, attack changes…basicly jsut defenting/attacking whatever was more convenient to you (not judging, i think thats very normal to do for the majority of people that unfortunately lack the brain power to actually THINK, nonetheless im sure you are a wonderfull human being)
Now i dont quite understand your 24+ hour crusade about this issue, since :
1-doesnt really affect you or your class
2-it based of procs…of chances…of procs…so its not like something it will happen often…at all
3-you dont even quite understand both batching AND the issue here (clearly seen by the evolution of your complaints…that went form reckoning stacks…to crits…to hoj…to macro…and im curious to see where its going to go now.
Plain and simple m8, and do try to gather all your brain power to understand this and then, close this tab and actually go play the game! BEcause, if playing a game for 18+ hours is unrealistic, somewhat socially disabling, bad for your health and jsut overall Terrible in every aspect of what being a human being is…THEN being on the forums of THAT game for that amount of time is even worse.
Reckoning stacks have been around for 15 years
sitting to stack them has been around for 15 years
stop attack macro has been around for 15 years
What you are seeing is NOT a bug NEITHER is an “EXTRA” attack but rather the result of batching merging 2 white hits, one of them delayed, with a proc.
Its not game changing at all, it defenitly took the guy SEVERAL attempts to even get it on video, and it DEFINITELY does not warrant a forum crusader creating several posts about it over the past 24 hours…
Understand this VERY simple thing, if batchign wasnt here, you would still get the same effect the only diference is that one of the hits damage would only be visible a second later…