I take it back. Don't pull the ripcord

No I often make posts to create a healthy debate between tough subjects. I don’t mind tons of people being against an idea that I post. I think it’s healthy for every side to communicate their opinions and to see every angle of a hot topic. I care a lot about this game and it’s community. If I disagree with something but most people agree, then it’s better that the voice of the majority be heard.

Shadowlands has huge potential to being one of the most joyful games I play ever since MoP. There’s no need to panic on these subjects and there is time to develop this expansion to be one of the best in a long time imo.

Smile and enjoy wow :slight_smile: Discuss hot topics in a healthy way without any toxicity. Be professional about discussions. Enjoy even touch arguements

Wasn’t aware my choice of race only lasts 2 years.

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Racial Abilities is a stupid comparison thou. Some covenants make your spec good and others make it worse. Racial abilities dont even make up 1% of your characters power most of the time compared to soulbinds and covenant abilities.

If you pick the wrong race you dont end up doing pretty bad compared to other covenants.

Lets get through 9.1 first. then maybe pull the cord if its an issue. they could even make it story relevant as to why you can get all of them. A maybe they all come together or maybe some people with similar soul binds swap covenants so you don’t have to. they bring the secrets of the other areas with them.

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Don’t worry, even without the ripcord you just gotta do a few world quests. So like a week worth of them if I’m reading things correctly. I’m pretty tired though so I might be wrong.

That’s how meaningful that choice is btw to all you Anti ripcorders. A week worth of world quests lol. Meaningful choice is one the shallowest promotional phrases this game has ever had its community parrot.

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Yes. Once the masses have taste of these restrictive systems it won’t take long for that cord to be pulled.

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Lol no. Why can’t you people do your homework before you post.

That was found out to only be the first part. There are more parts to it, so far unknown.

we’re not choosing between one strength and another, we pick between strength and visuals.

I don’t want them to pull it either but folks like us are in the minority.

And Blizzard will adjust as we go so you might pick a certain Cov cause it’s OP and then in a month it’s the worst and now you have to go and switch (however you do that). PITA.

I’m glad I don’t raid cause I can just pick whichever has the transmog I want. Tho it’s super annoying that I can’t get all the transmog appearances from each of the covenants for each character.

It still honestly blows my mind that anyone could actually be in favor of covenant locks.

Literally the only reason to be for it comes down to finding joy in “sticking it to the min-maxers”.

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Or some of us just appreciate hard RPG style choices. Has nothing to do with spite. Sorry if the system causes you such agony but I do not revel in your pain.

Being able to freely swap wouldn’t negatively impact you at all. Its restriction for the sake of restriction. It serves no gameplay or story purpose.

Yes it would. It would make the system less interesting to me, and feel shallow and meaningless.

But you have no reason other than “because I want it this way”. It seems shallow and spiteful regardless what you say.

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Oh no, poor you. So it would hurt your feelings, but not affect your gameplay one bit. Kind of selfish.

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And here we go again, getting swarmed because I have a contrary opinion.

Believe what you will but my liking of the system has nothing to do with spite.

Then its pure selfishness. Being able to freely swap would not affect your gameplay or story but you want it to affect mine. Selfish.

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Think you’re directing your hate at the wrong people. I didn’t create the system. I simply like what is coming.