I take it back. Don't pull the ripcord

Covenant abilities are both more impactful than racials, and not permanent. It’s a bad comparison.


Comparing race abilities and covenant abilities is just stupid. It’s not the same, it’s not even close to being the same. So please take a big deep breath before you make a ridiculous post like this and just think about it for a few minutes. Be honest with yourself.


Sniff, beautiful post and so true.

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Alright I’ll submit. I’m going to post this last reply with this quote. I was just experimenting to see how people would reply to this comparison. I completely agree with this reply from Kavv completely, Make it like a talent kinda like how the glyph system was added.

Ok i’m out, I usually let these post go to 300-400 replies when I attempt thought experiments with the forums. I just completely agree with this reply


AKA you got backlash for stupid comparisons, now “it was all a test”.


So are racials for PVP and PVE.

No difference and its an excellent example the OP gave.

People have literally flooded these forums complaining about racials for PVP and PVE, so :wink:

The choice isn’t part of the narrative at all, it’s just a popup window when you hit 60. In fact, you’re regularly told to go help other covenants.


Honestly, I’m not in the who band wagon of pulltheripcord, nor am I against it. However unfortunately the truth is that the choices are much different in terms of strength and flexibility.

In my opinion, it would be more akin to Spriest in BfA being unable to change between their very specific ST and their very specific AoE azerite builds.

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Racials are still permanent, and I imagine would be considered when creating a character if you prefer one content over the other. And they’re still less impactful than covenant abilities for both.


How many times are racials changed for balance during a single expansion the way legendaries were in legion, the way azerite powers were in BFA, and corruptions.


Less impactful, really, smh.

Excuses :joy:

Pull the ripcord till there is nothing left to pull. Get that junk out of here and let us play the game already.


Make the game fun again too.


Player choice and downing bosses for loot is all that matters.


Less systems means better game play!!!


Theres what blizzard sold you and then there is reality. Just look at the Beta Forums…



The ripcord will be pulled 100%. Whether it’ll be in patch 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 or the pre-patch for the next expansion, we do not know.


Sorry, I acknowledge your analogy… but you’re not considering the magnitude in which racial abilities will have vs. the very likely impact these skills will have. Likely, vastly different in terms of effects.

I’m not up in arms about the whole pull the ripcord thing, but I think Blizzard really dug themselves into a hole here and made their job way more difficult. We help each of the covenants, we’re “friends” with all of them, and (I’ve been saying this from the get go) choosing a covenant provides nearly no new “RPG” feeling to the game. Just changes the look of the guy who gives you your daily chores.

Why they want to even attempt to balance 9 abilities for EACH class is beyond me.


Racial differences are literally less than the standard deviation of a sim.


Heres what I would have done all abilities and soul binds within the covenants just give them different art styles to match the covenant. Boom you can lock people in, satisfy the min maxes and because you’re not forcing people to make a performance vs aesthetics choice that’s good for casuals and Rpers too.

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Essentially if you can’t change your cov and it gets nerfed and is 10% behind the others. You have to reroll or be forever gimped. Sounds fun.

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