I take it back. Don't pull the ripcord

This sadly sums up Feral druid in a nutshell…

I want to RP and still play my class to a effective level. But this system makes me choose between Mommy (RP) and Daddy (dps) thus dividing me. All this is gonna do is burn people out faster.

Please lord I don’t want to be stuck in maldraxxus just to do decent damage in my raid.

I’m being artifically corraled and I don’t like it.


Uptime also varies between various fight encounters, the easier one will have more uptime in most content, but the setup based one wont be massively behind in a raiding 1 target fight for example.

This is, as the kids are saying, a Mood.

I say this with no sarcasm.

Maybe Races should just be aesthetic choices with class allowances (as in what they can select) rather than providing actual tangible benefits to gameplay. “What’s the downside of choosing (x) over (y)?” It would just entirely depend on what you want to look like, maybe?

This. You can literally just read the abilities and can already tell which one is good/useless. But people really want to bury their head in the sand and act like “my choice matters!!!” No hunny, the only choice that matters is your $15/month.

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It will still be behind and the easier to use ability will have near 100% success rate, won’t have effectivity reduced by mechanics and will less punishing to use.

Take destruction warlock vs BM hunter. There is absolutely no way right now a BM hunter outbursts my destro lock on a single target fight. In fact, it doesn’t happen often that I get outperformed by anyone during my CDs being up, IF i get to stay still and pump chaos bolts. Now say there’s heavy movement involved. Suddenly my DPS as a destro lock is worthless compared to the BM hunter. The hunter does the same damage regardless if the fight containt movement or not, because they can dps on the move without losing any casts. Destro can’t do that and movement is their worst enemy. That is why BM is so strong right now, because they can do literally whatever they want and still do their maximum damage as long as they stay in range of the target.

A destro lock should outperform a BM hunter on burst and cleave on paper, but because BM is easier to play and doesn’t get punished by movement, they outperform a destro lock most of the time.

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Says the night elf with a race wide feign death.

Are you here to take away the night fae movement speed? You know, sense night elves already took the night fae version of Shadowmeld?

Other’s use it to instantly escape death by flight form or to skip trash in m+.

It depends on the environment in which you conduct tests, which fights, a Warlock having a naturally higher health pool and self heals and also absorbs means they also can survive longer than BM in high ticking damage fights like Skitra. You shine where you shine, and dont where you dont. BMs biggest weakness is not having the stats or gear to buffer it up.

How are these the same in any way besides the fact they are both choices? This is a false equivalence.

Covenants will impact every player in every skill bracket.

You can already switch covenants, people just don’t want to be punished for experimentation or switching. The system cannot be balanced properly.

How do week long essence conduit lockouts improve the game and not encourage further min/maxing to avoid wasting time?

How does a choice being punishing make it meaningful? There’s surely more to it.


They aren’t and won’t be. That’s the problem.


Wrong person to reply to, I wasn’t the one who proposed that idea.

Every Man For Himself was the outright best racial for a long time in pvp & some pve scenarios as it effectively let you have 3 trinket slots. That’s a big deal. Blood Elves Arcane Torrent, an AoE kick + resource generation. Big deal for rogues who needed that extra little bit of energy to finish off their target, or any other blood elf who just needed a second kick. Stoneform & now fireblood are pretty dang good, on demand purge for bleeds, poisons & debuffs + primary stat increase.

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They designed it in such a way that they cannot possibly balance it without opening it up, or wasting tons of resources.

The former sounds simpler to me.

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I cannot see anyone supporting locked covenants. The only reasons could be: spite, selfishness, or cluelessness.


Fanatical devotion to Blizzard to the point of making any and all leaps in logic - like comparing covenants to actual RPGs, like Baldur’s Gate?


Ehhhh not really, unlocking covenants will bring about more homogenization and gatekeeping than if it were locked, since you just switch them on the fly

Cluelessness it is.


BM shines everywhere equally. They don’t gain or lose dps in any scenario. Destro shines on short single target burst fights and 2 target cleave, is extreme dependent on CDs or RNG procs to do damage and is heavily punished by movement.

BM wins on 8/10 scenarios because of how they fundamentally operate. The health pool difference is also not that significant because out movement relies on burning rush which damages us and we don’t have a self heal or immunity. I’m not counting drain life because it’s really weak and mortal coil because it’s a talent and quite short range.

Destro is one of the most gear dependent specs in the gamem right now. If you don’t have 3 flashpoints and aren’t stacked up on expedient and haste, you might as well play something else. If you wanna shine on cleave, you better have some rolling havocs or go home.

Eeeeeeh not really, BM also doesn’t do really well on single target enough to massively outplay other classes, especially without cooldowns and adds to proc Rapid Reload trait for Wild