I support you Worgen players

Than i say!
:dracthyr_a1: :dracthyr_a2:

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How about they do get the tails but its like out of their forehead. :rofl: That’d be the normal way bliz fixes things. :joy:

I most certainly do.

I’m all for worgen having the option for tails. I won’t use it, but options are good. Freaking out over a joke is a little much though.

You know what’s weird, is seeing skins of undead Elves being used that should have gone to Forsaken. :thinking:

No Orc or Draenei Demon Hunters.

Gave High Elves to both Horde and Alliance but a tail for a Worgen is funny.

Dragon Elves

Elf and Shrimp

Elf and potatoes

World of Elfcraft :joy::rofl::joy:

That what you think :thinking: but i disagree

Give night elves tails too ?

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i never knew the tail fetish was so strong.


Come on, you play a Draenei. :relaxed:

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