I Support The Removal Of The 30 Day Game Time Purchase Option

No, but it was costing them money for little benefit. Financial transactions aren’t free.

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So you’re saying me giving them $15 for 30 days of game time, was costing them more than $15 in transaction fees? If not, it shouldn’t really matter. Profit is profit.

Low level characters on frozen accounts are treated as free trials. They can’t use in game mail or the AH.

So you can only buy 60 days worth of game time now. But you can still get one month if you sign up for the sub then cancel thus only doing 1 month at a time.

They are just banking on people forgetting to cancel and getting charged another month.

Just making it more annoying for people who do want to play 1 month at a time.

Activision thanks you for funding the CEO’s mega-bonus.

They barely put any effort now LMFAO, compared to the expansion in the past.
Where we paid the same and look at what we got.

It was an option that was popular with people. I have over $350 on my bnet balance and last time I checked I can’t use that to pay for a subscription. There are times when I want to use that to pay for game time instead of buying a token depending on the price of the token on the auction house.

So now I have to either use a token or buy 2 months of game when I normally just pay month to month.

so when does the incredible part start?

Hey smart guy. This goes out to you and all the other idiots out there saying I don’t give blizz any money to play blah blah. Purchasing a wow token for game time with gold, is only possible because, now stay with me here, another person PAID 20 DOLLARS FOR THAT TOKEN. THEY PAID YOUR SUB PLUS 5 BUCKS. so your actually helping give blizz more cash.


You are the type of person who enables companies to be lazy. Bravo you doofus.

The sticky said the subscriptions have not changed. I was curious so I clicked change plan on my subscription screen and 1 month, 3 month and 6 month were still available.

For one thing it is redundant, there is a subscription.
It’s more expensive to do monthly transactions, especially when dealing with foreign exchanges.

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not everyone has a credit card btw
specially those in poorer countries like my friend from brazil who used game time/tokens to play wow says he might just quit

Mods delete my comments saying Blizzard is incompetent and saying MVPs are useless because they were reported as trolling but then posts like this, obviously trolling bait, are reported, flagged and then restored, most likely by the same mods.

God, these guys are pathetic.

The sticky said tokens remain unaffected. I might just buy one just to see if it can go for a month worth of game time or a $15.00 battlenet cash. Last I checked a token was 140,000’ish gold and I’m not paying that though.

i think u would need to buy two tokens instead of 1 which… RIP hopefully thats not the case

I’m guessing a token is still worth a month of time, but I’d have to buy one to be sure. I suppose I could spend the gold for science. hahaha If I remember I will and post the results. The sticky said it hasn’t changed so I’d think it would be fine.

Edit: Looks like a token is good for a month of game time. I gave it some thought and went to the Blizzard shop and pulled this from their website.

Trade Gold for Game Time

Visit the Auction House and use your hard-earned gold to purchase one of the WoW Tokens another player has put up for sale. Once the Token arrives in your in-game mailbox, right-click it to add it to your bag, then right-click again to add either 30 days of game time, or redeem it for Blizzard Balance to be added to your account.

The main problem with many of these comments is the fluidity of the terms as we use them. I consider myself ‘subscribed’ to the game if I have active game time, whether it’s gained by paying a recurring fee, bought a card, was gifted time, or when I contacted CS and begged for gametime and they gave me a few weeks.

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Of course, but there are people who cannot even sub and now have to buy a 2 month option. Not everyone lives in a country or has the correct payment option to do a sub because not every payment can be used for a sub.

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I’ve always payed a 30 day recurring sub. I don’t understand the outrage. I can cancel any time if I want to stop playing.