I still want more druid-races

i know, people gonna be mad i’m asking for more druids, blah, blah, blah, don’t change the lore, i know. i just want more druids. prefferably pandaren, dwarf and vulpera druids.

simply put, i wanna either be able to play as a pandaren druid with (prefferably) forms based on the celestials (tiger for cat, ox for bear, serpent for flight, etc), a vulpera with desert-themed forms (krolusk for bear, fox for cat, vulture for flight, etc), or a dwarf with mountainous forms (polar bear for bear, snow-leopard for cat, gryphon for flight).

i’m not gonna go crazy with this, i’m just sayin, i’d love to have more options for races to choose from for druids. as for lore, well… the lore is flexible. we have tauren paladins, and mechagnome rogues for goodness sake (also how can they be rogues with frikkin metal-feet, but draenei can’t??), any of these races could be druids, all blizz has to do is say they rediscovered an ancient tie to the emerald-dream and BAM! more druids.


What else don’t Druid’s want

That’s the price you pay for 4 specs


Honestly I’m just still annoyed they broke the like 15 year tradition of having the same number of druid races on both factions.


same, but still… wish we had some more. i mean, more options are better than less options!

plus, i think the ones i’m suggesting could make sense… y’know? we don’t know much about the vulpera’s past, so… they could have druidic ties… pandaren worship the celestials, and they’re wild-gods thus, they got a tie to the emerald-dream, (all they gotta say is the wandering isle ones found a scroll about druidism, problem solved.) and dwarves… well, they’re by-extension a creation of the titans. all they gotta say is we found an ancient artifact from eonar, that let’s them do the shape-shifting, and have’em learn the rest from the nelves/worgen, done.

Time to support an allied race for the Alliance that could viably be a druid.

I highly recommend simping either for Broken Draenei or the Arakkoa.

That being said, I do appreciate them bending the lore enough to allow for Kul Tiran druids. Night elves and worgen are the two core races that have access to druids, and since night elves are the only elf race that practice druidism and there’s only one type of “worgen,” options for Alliance allied druid races were already super limited without them conjuring up a race out of thin air. We could have ended up with a much rawer deal than we did.

We should have gotten krokul instead of Lightforged.


Any race besides Belfs and Helfs the I’m pretty much okay with other races picking them up.


hmm… or (and i know this is something i don’t want that much and is opening a can of worms) they could give us sethrak, give the alliance some scaley buddies, with scaley, desert-y druid forms. i mean… i don’t really care for sethrakk, but honestly… if we got more druids with’em, i’d probably be more open to the idea.

though honestly, i’d preffer to get mantid (though, they DEFINITELY are’nt gonna happen).

No arguments there. The lightforged are looking pretty bad these days when compared to the cool new customization options exodar draenei ended up getting in Shadowlands anyway.

But hey, I guess they’re cool if you have to play a blonde draenei with a sigil above their head and tattoos that you’ll probably never be able to see since the majority of the race plays paladin.

They could, and I’d definitely play one, but to my knowledge there isn’t anything currently in lore that ties them to druidism.

At least with Broken we can see tribes in Outland that actively practice druidism, and the arakkoa could logically make the jump over to the class based on their proximity to the broken, their lore, and the fact that an arakkoa skeleton is used as a boomkin form for zandalari druids.

Basically, what I’m saying is that even if we got sethrak, there’s no guarantee they’d be able to be druids. Heck, there isn’t even that strong of an argument that they’d be interested in joining the Alliance at all. The vast majority of their story is exclusively experienced by the Horde.

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agreed the LF should of gotten the same options, they are the exact same race just blessed by a ritual :frowning:

they didn’t gain any tentacles that wern’t already there or anything cept glowing tattoos

I guess worshipping the light can’t grow out your tail (or shrink it, in the case of male draenei).

A shame.

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At least give them the long tails. Leveled my lightforged after my regular draenei and the short tail just felt ridiculous.

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In the early days of WOW I was fine with the class/race restrictions… today however, given how far they’ve had to stretch the lore as new races/classes were introduced along with adding more class/race combinations I’d say it’s time to ditch the restrictions all together.

Just let players whatever race/class combo they want.

agreed, they literally write the lore, its not swtor ot lotr online or something thats a 3rd party making a mmo for a existing lore series, they can literally have cromie break the time line a little and say well i guess taurens can be rogues now

You can be any race with any class in TOR tho

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Pandaren druid pls. Bear form would just be getting naked and going on all fours. lmao!

you are correct, i just mean in the grand scheme of lore, they can make anthing happen in wow unlike swtor, because they control the universe and the implications of what a change does to lore

I’m pretty happy with quite a few races getting Druids so long as none of the Helf models do. That’s the one race I will firmly stand against getting Druids.

That said, if Blizzard destroys the faction walls, I’d be all for every race could be every class. Then we’d actually get the chance to BE our character rather than the character Blizzard forces us to be.


We really need a few more solid options for druids, There’s no reason for them being this limited besides the hassle of creating new druid models.

People are quick to point out the alliance’s one fewer option but I genuinely think Horde have it worse. Hope you like the American Indian aesthetic because with only the half exception to darkspear trolls that’s all you get horde side, not to mention HM Tauren are pretty much just a customization option for regular tauren.

You could easily add Pandaren and Vulpera druids without having to bend over backwards to make it work via lore. Imo Pandaren should have had druids since launch of MoP, it’s weird that a race that respects nature as much as they do doesn’t have druids available to them. (Meanwhile they have mages which directly contradicts one of Shao Hao’s final lessons)

Dwarves wouldn’t be a bad fit although they already get all but two classes right now.

If you REALLY want to open the flood gates, Humans, Regular Draenei and orcs would be alright picks as well.

I just want to see more cultural diversity in our druids. Besides Worgen and Kul’tiran they all feel rather samey to me.


I remember the argument against it at Blizzcon was “a bear turning into a bear? lolol we’re not doing that!” as if the idea of a humanoid pandaren going into a feral, protective state as their bear form wouldn’t have been cool as all get out.

I REALLY want pandaren druids. So much.

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