I will post the sessions where ION publicly stated he doesn’t want flying as soon as I can search them up.
as far as my previous statement, I think the predisposition to NO FLYing by the lead dev is why we are where we are today. My Opinion of course.
The PF achieve can and probably should stay in game but it should be wrapped around playing the game not farming 5 spots every week until you max a rep. PF should be achievable by merely completing the content and that should be shared with all your Alts. If my hunter finishes story 1-10 in 2 zones and my pally clears the other stories in the rest of the zones it should count. I am still the one playing the game.
Nobody is asking for Bernie to run the game, just make the achievement and work to complete more compelling and part of the game play not some Bcrap farming for a weekly cap.