I still cant solo legion mythic raid as a rogue

I can only manage the first three bosses by myself, but then there’s Spellblade in mythic Nighthold…

She just makes you feel insignificant. And then you are reminded that she is indeed the best :pensive:

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i went yesterday to Antorus and it was a nightmare , it took me like 10 minutes to kill the first boss and only because of my dots . I was pushed back over and over again, and the dogs stunned my forever and i died, i know they were supposed to be handled separated but i was expecting that they will remove that mechanic by now. Then i went to Tomb of Sargeras and got killed by the first boss :smile:

yep that happend to me too, i got stunned forever and died by the frost stacks

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It’s the worst!

I really do want the dk set pieces from it, too. At least the shoulders. I can use other gear to compensate for not having the rest (I have helm, boots and hand plate, atm.) So a full set isn’t completely necessary, but still :tired_face:

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She also hits hard as hell.

When the fight drags on and then she starts annihilating half my hp drops off. I’ve even went to star augar to see if it was any easier, but nope. He blasted me to the void.

I feel like my 50 mage in the hellfire citadel council fight when I’m there. I can wreck everything else, but that fight with the stacking debuff fight 3 at the same time where one of them at some point gets an immunity and then proceeds to slice me in half before I can finish casting all of my spells hurt :sweat:

but it is legacy content we should be able to do it solo now :frowning:

Guess we’ll have to see what happens from here…

even normal bfa elites have scaling issues. i tried to kill an elite with a well equiped alt and it took me longer than expected


I’m completely flabbergasted by some of the responses here.

“Raids aren’t meant to be solo content”

I’m sorry, but raids wouldn’t have huge debuffs applied to damage dealt and damage taken applied to all mobs and bosses if they weren’t meant to be farmed for legacy transmog. Why is this something that needs to be explained?

The stat squish and the lack of any legacy debuff on legion raid bosses and trash is responsible for this. I do the same damage to mythic antorus trash with 450k health that I do to a random mob in Bastion with 25k health. Going back to WoD in week 1 BFA 120 gear you could easily solo the bosses.


The stat squish is part of what has messed up solo content for now. But also the loss of corruptions, azerite powers, and (perhaps forgetting to switch back to the heart) essences causes a serious loss for all players in this content. We’ll need a bit to beef up things like soulbinds and get better gear before we can tackle these things again.

They did a lot of weird stuff with old instances. I just tried to run into Eye of Azshara with a level 50 druid to do a priest class hall quest and got bounced twice as we entered with no indication why. Got in on the third try.

I think they’ve made these change intentionally. Some there’s no indication why they might have made them.

Since we’ve been reading since the BfA beta that it’s reasonable for old content to be hard enough that it can only be completed by max levels in heroic raid gear, I have no doubt that’s their goal, intended to “incentivize” everybody getting all their farm alts up to max level and putting them into raiding.

You have no idea what you’re talking about?? All classes have always been able to solo raids from 2 expacs back. this level squish is a joke because they didn’t tune it properly with old raids. So pathetically lazy.


Yeah Piski,there’s a lot of fools replying here that clearly don’t understand 10 years precedent. You’ve always been able to easily solo raids 2 expac back. There is ZERO excuse we shouldn’t be able to easily solo Legion raids now.


That would be the complaint- we’re weaker right now at what would be level 130 than we were at level 120 because they did a bunch of janky things with borrowed power and level squish.

If it were a true level squish it should have done nothing at all to reduce our power, which means Blizz basically messed this up big time, likely on purpose- if it’s taking you ten hours to clear all your tmog runs each week when it used to take 2, that’s five times the metrics to brag about to your stockholders!

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Something is super off with scaling, after the stat squish doing siege of orgrimmar bosses took longer. Now today I’m level 60 and they are taking me double what they did last time a few weeks ago

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Blizzard Stance has been after 2 expansions the content should be easily soloable.
I know it’s a low priority but for many people like myself this was something I had been looking forward to as I really wanted to solo some mythic legion bosses I wasn’t able to solo back in BFA.

WOD was soloble in 8.1, so we’ll solo legion in 9.1 I guess.

Can we get a blue to acknowledge that this is being looked at or something?

please debuff legion raids.

This has to be the dumbest comment I ever read, and I read lots on these forums.

You’re comparing borrowed powers from bfa, level 50, with actual level 60 characters. It’s like comparing Legion legendaries with fresh 120 in BFA, who could easily clear WoD raids, which was 2 expansion old content.

They messed up the scaling and that’s that, Legion should be legacy and trivial content at this point.