I still cant solo legion mythic raid as a rogue

When your farming old content youre not there to be challenged. Its asinine that this is even an issue. Just make it so we can one shot trash, three shot bosses and be done with it.

Soloing old raids or getting the transmogs?

is it? Thats good.
This has been such a common theme around here I start wondering if its not a blizzard power play not to fix it after a while, lol.

if i did that in my businesses id be bankrupt, lol

Both. Why does it have to be one or the other? I still frequent old raids where I can get zero transmog. Why? Because I like the aesthetic of the raid. I think the bosses are cool.

Na, you’ll get there as your power swells. The expansion has been out for a few days, relax.

It’s not about the power progression. The buff that should be there isn’t there. What don’t you understand about that?

honestly I enjoy running the old raids even if there werent any real drops.
ToT and SoO are the best two raids in the game as far as Im concerned.
Just fun running thru them without the stress of having to keep people alive, lol

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Look man I’m just not going to believe anyone that says they feel like doing a sight seeing tour through an old raid and staring at bosses because their cool and in the same breathes wants to them get 1 hit

Thats kinda the point though
its old raids. I love to run thru them, but I dont want to spent 4 hours in there, lol
Maybe an hour tops just to see the sights.
But then, I am one who farms crap I can barely sell just because its relaxing.
Different folks like doing different things.

Look man I’m not going to believe anyone that says they play this game just for pvp when this game is clearly a pve based game. There’s just no point.

Interesting, I assumed the buff was there but just not sufficient.

Sounds like a problem that Blizzard won’t fix until later in the expansion when gear gets better.

Yea just not there. The legacy buff is SUPER powerful. I mean going into WoD raids you’re doing like 400k dps compared to the 1.3k you do outside of a WoD raid. It’s very noticeable when it’s not there.


Skill on other players and increase your HK count as well as getting various other rewards and the knowledge you made someone’s day worse by destroying them and sitting at the top of a score board

Vs looking at a few sights and admiring a boss before blowing its head off for no other reason than 1 hitting tall monsters is fun

I run old instances for transmog and gold like most other honest people will explain

Looking forwards to the legacy buff coming online so I can get the hunter boots that I’m missing

It’s not about the gear, it’s about the legacy buff.

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Then why are you being such a contrarian about this? You’ve just wanted to argue for the sake of arguing but you’d actually enjoy the same thing you’re arguing against. What is wrong with you?

Forums pvp

I also don’t like your whinging tone, you’ll get what you want soon enough

Like I said at the start, I was just wanted to know why people were so triggered

I just want to know why you won’t do it on normal if you wanted to just tour the place

I did answer “both” when you asked if it was for sight seeing or transmog. Once I get the transmog I want I’ll go back in and do them when I feel like enjoying the raid itself.

It’s nice to have the mog you want so you can just bounce in and out of that raid and not have to hope you get the drops you want.