I stand with Sylvanas Windrunner

She’s a discord terrorist, she’s just going to use ad hominim to point out how you’re wrong.

Nah the belves are just the pretty boys of the horde, the vulpera are just too adorable for this world. . . Of warcraft.

“LOL **** yourself little lion!”

I wonder if they regret joining the Horde yet. Like, less than a year after they join, the leaders are like “Alright everyone! A portal to hell has been opened and demons are abducting people! Pile in!”

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Please they probably love it cause they get to help, DKs probably roll their eyes at it though.

You’re probably right. I just don’t want to picture the alpaca caravans pouring into the Maw :frowning:

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“And ahead of the dower knights, rode forth the alpacas in a fierce charge against the hellish denizens of the maw. Sounds of yiffing could be heard, the knights would turn in fear for the first time since their dark rebirth.”


You really got me at the end there

lol I try to entertain.

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She’s certainly not standing with you. That’s the last message she gives to her “Loyalists”.

You do realise that Amadis and the rest are going to slap you for “roleplaying in the story forum”?

Isn’t the Jailer the epitome of no hope and no free will. He is the cause of the helm of domination and threatens to make people serve one way or another. He will literally forge your soul into a weapon and remove all your free will if you do not obey.

I think Sylvanas is fighting for annihilation not free will. Just to end everything.


Why do you keep specifically mentioning Amadis? What did he do that you dislike?

Amadis was the one who’d slap me down the most for “roleplaying” in this forum. I frequently would answer posts with a character most suited for the discussion. I’ve gotten so much hostility from Amadis and others that I’ve essentially stopped.


#istandwithSylvanas; that’s a nice little hashtag.

Sighhhh, no. Take a look at he Sylvanas cinematic titled “No Lies”.

Yes the cinematic where your left With more questions then answers, such an informative piece there.

No no, Valko, it’s The Purpose. You must trust The Purpose. It’s got a Capitalized Name and the people who know what it is won’t tell you about it. And for some reason it needs a horrible vampire realm to torture those who disagree and to mind wipe its angel servitors. But it’s Good though. It’s The Purpose.


You’re right there are still questions, but “is Sylvanas end game total annihilation” isn’t one of them.

At this point I could care less what her motivations are, her 34d chess games annoy me to no end. But I’ve definitely made my opinions on her well known lol.

The discussion is about her motivations. I don’t know what to tell ya /shrug

If you could care less why chime in?

Because I’m allowed to voice my opinion.

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Your opinion has nothing of value to the discussion, but it is well noted and thank you for it nonetheless.

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