I stand with Sylvanas Windrunner

im liking where this is going


Syl will definitely stand on people, and you have to pay for that treatment.


No. actually not once does it say those souls were for the Jailer. Shadows Rising has Nathanos specifically say “every soul we send HER counts.” the souls are going to her, not him.

Syl doesn’t control the maw so technically the souls are going to the jailer, and more than likely Natty lite wasn’t fully informed on every detailed.

I didn’t realize that we actually knew anything about what she says at all. Sure, the Purpose is objectively terrible, but… what’s the plan? What does she want to do? Will it be better? Will all the souls in the Maw also like her plan, despite having to put up with torture for it?

We’re still in the dark, despite Blizzard lying and saying all would be revealed by now.


In all honesty I’m still left confused by Syls plans when that cinematic was supposed to answer the question of “why?”

It’s okay guys, she’s just enabling the Satan stand-in to torture innocent souls into oblivion. She’s totally justified in wanting to break the system of death itself because she has a reservation in Super Hell. One that she now earned several times over. Not only on the scale of crimes done on one world, but on a cosmic scale too.


I mean, objectively, by the standards set in Shadowlands, if Sylvanas died now and the arbiter wasn’t broke, she’d go to Revendreth. Sorry, but thems the rules.


She allied herself with the Jailer, who everyone in SL see as the ultimate threat to cosmic balance. The Maw isn’t just for unrepentant souls, but cosmological threats. By siding with the Jailer, she has proven herself as a threat to the order of life and death and thus is deserving of the Maw.


Mawsworn: “We have a reservation for the Stygian pits for one. . . Sylvanas Windrunner? Sylvanas Windrunner.”

Sorry bucko, there’s world-killers, genocidal maniacs, and omnicidal servants in Revendreth a-plenty. Their standards are very loose, burning down a tree with some elves inside is relatively low-tier for them. If hanging out with the Burning Legion isn’t enough to do it, she’ll be just fine.

If you want your weird Sylvanas torture p0rn, you’ll have to go elsewhere. I dunno, Reddit or something, they write a lot of that stuff over there.


Cool. None of those actively works with the Jailer to undue the cosmic balance of death and all infinite afterlives. A crime so vast it enters theological territory.


Also Revendreth still tortures soooooooooo, still torture p0rn bro.

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Guess they found a new ploug- I mean work horse.

I mean, Sargeras’ multiversal genocide is pretty bad. But yeah, the Jailer is pretty spooky. Weird how nobody will tell us what he did and also everyone who finds out what he did immediately joins his side, tho. Ah, I’m sure it’s nothing.

I mean, hey, I’m not the one demanding she go to the Maw. Take it up with the other guy.


“We still have our. . . Old reliables.”

I just want Syl to be destroyed body and soul like the emperor of mankind did to Horus, I’m tired of dealing with her.



…Wait, I’m a married man, I… I have to get out of here!

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Haha I can’t, it would be worse if you posted that on a vulpera haha.

We Blood Elves are the original Vulpera.