I stand with Sylvanas Windrunner

Doesn’t matter If my opinion holds value or not, it is everyone’s right to voice one lol. And i respect yours even if we disagree on things.

Yes I agree, everyone has the right to voice their opinions thank you for yours and I respect them as well.

Which makes me wonder why she went to the maw in Edge of Night. Her sins compared to some other Revendreth souls were pretty minor at that point. Was the Shadowlands already broken then?

I find it difficult to stand for anything without some idea of what it is we are standing for.


Yeah I wanna know what I’m signing up for cause so far it looks like mega hell.


Am I to by a piece of nondiscript architrave in an under used tunnel in Torghast? Or do I get to be center piece on the podium in the Jailors Throne room? For the love of all things unholy Blizz, please come clean!

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I’m picturing my dk being strung up by meat hooks


And now you trust her because of that? The War of Thorns was built on a massive strategy of deception.

And the best liars tell nothing but the truth.

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Actually I’m trusting cdev in this case. They said Sylvanas will give us a mask off aka truthful motivation in the “No Lies” cinematic.

Call me crazy but I believe them.

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She did say no more lies… but then again beyond a “YOU WILL JOIN US” speech, she said nothing at all.


She said a lot but I was specifically addressing the free will comment. I’m not gonna pretend I understand everything that was talked about during the video, but I will say she is fighting for free will(or at least thinks she is).

She could believe in total annihilations it could line up with Zovaal’s goals and it would line up with when she said “we’re going to tear it all down,” but she believes she doing all of this for a better world.

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I mean blizzard also said bfa would have reasons to fight that both factions could be proud of.

Here’s the thing, cupcake - that cinematic is what lends the theory that she’s trying to end everything the most credence. The only way her fighting for free will makes sense is that the loss of it no longer becomes a threat if everyone is dead. Which is TECHNICALLY correct, but also offset by the fact that everyone is dead.

It’s like if I tell my doctor my arm hurts, and he responds by amputating it. Sure, my arm’s not hurting anymore, but he chopped off my friggin’ arm.

Pick a lane, please.

90% posts tend to boil down to just “YAY SYLVANAS” and nothing else. Nothing to discuss or debate, just pointless celebrations that add as much value as Erriden’s. Knock yourself off that high horse.


How does she know? Just cause her life wasn’t fair doesn’t mean nobody’s is.

No I’m not. I know all about it. And people keep paying me 30g to be in it.


A freakin cupcake yo, that’s new! lol

I didn’t want to hone in on the annihilations part of his comment but the free will. I could easily create a scenario from her speech that aligns with total annihilation.

That was my bad.

As for the free will part of his comment, I believe that she’s fighting for free will even if its misbegotten.

I actually enjoy Erriden’s post a lot I’ve had several great discussions with him. Erriden actually knows the lore unlike other posters who are notorious for using grammar and post policing as a crutch :scream: because they know next to nothing about the lore itself.


How very Final Fantasy villain of her. If all life is pain, then all you need to do is end life … painfully.

Regardless, there is another way she “could be fighting for free will” and not be “trying” to destroy everything. At least in her own mind. If she truly does not realize that the Jailor (and her own Primes) could be responsible for her little trip to hell, or that souls could even be stolen to an afterlife not their own b4 the Arbiter system broke, then she would blame the Arbiter System for putting her in the Maw. The only other person she saw placed there was Arthas. A person she (from her viewpoint) would believe deserves to be there, but her own placement in eternal torment would be unfair and cruel. And, frankly, despite how horrible Sylvanas was by the end of WotLK, I would agree that her being placed in the Maw legitimately would be unwarranted. Sylvanas after BfA on the other hand … that is a different story.

But … it seems very unlikely with what we know now for her to have been “Go to Jail, Do not pass go’d” here.

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As a DK player I’m still ever salty about Syl taking Koltira and trying to strip him of free will back in cata, and I did not like how we had to wait 2 expansions before Legion to save him.

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At least you got to murder your way through the bowels of UC to rescue him. I loved the DK order hall in legion. It was easily one of the best ones

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True, yet it was still rather unsatisfying on his rescue especially since ole Koltira refused to talk about his time there and him and Thassarian didn’t have as big of a bro moment as they should have. I like seeing them in Oribos though and having discussions between the two.


When do they show up? I haven’t done much of the maw stuff yet, only just got my legendary a week ago and I’m up to rescuing Thrall now