I Solemnly Swear to Always Call Out Rustfeather and the Arachnoid Harvester in General - Mechagon and to Slow My DPS To Allow Others Time to Arrive

I’ve killed that bird like 14 times in the past two weeks, and have never seen the mount drop for like 200 people.

I have seen it in Boralus, so it technically does exist.

My macro to announce is as below.
Target the rare and then run this macro will announce to channel 1

/script px, py = C_Map.GetPlayerMapPosition(C_Map.GetBestMapForUnit("player"), "player"):GetXY()
/run t="target" SendChatMessage(format ("{rt3}%s  %.1f , %.1f; HP%i%%",UnitName(t),px*100,py*100,(UnitHealth(t)/UnitHealthMax(t)*100)),  "CHANNEL", nil, 1);

Don’t really have time to call out or slow DPS on either of these. They last less than 30 seconds when 50 people are attacking them. Heck you can’t even see them most of the time.

That’s actually super considerate of you. Well played! I normally only slow down if I see someone approaching and boss health is low :slight_smile:

Kaja Cola Lite presents Real Men of Genius
(Real Men of Genius!)

Today we salute you, Mr. Always Calls Out Rustfeather Guy.
(Mr. Always Calls Out Rustfeather Guy!)

Sorry, don’t have time to write a whole commercial.


Mechagon Rare Share

Yeah I see the addon activate all the time. Not everyone has it, but it’s great that some do.

The real problem is those that go absolute ham on the rare immediately after it’s been called out and people are trying to give others a minute or two to get there, especially if they don’t have flying.

I wish people would start calling out Avarius, it’s been bugged for me since the first time I did it on the first day. Will never get the rank 2 mining recipes at this rate.

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I don’t really understand why people feel the need to go balls to the wall dps on them. If there’s multiple people hitting it I tag them with a single dot and keep it up just to be safe, and then usually announce it on General and give people as much time to get there as possible.


I don’t even like or care about the mount but so many people camp Rust I feel like I should too lol. It’s like a party where he spawns.

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How… edgy.

This is perfect! Thank you.

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I blow cds on it. RIP birdy.

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Getting the mount from Rustfeather isn’t the only reason to kill it. He drops the jet pack plan and if you don’t have flying yet, I don’t, it’s a godsend.

And by the way, I always give a shout out in general chat if I see that any rare is up.


Understood. It’s not for everyone, but it’s such a unique mount I dig it. Of course now that I can fly I’ll rarely use it, but still, it’s neat. :smiley:

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People like you keep the game community alive. Well done.


Now that I can fly, Arachnoid Harvester is no problem - he yells to announce himself, and he’s got enough health that even if people wale on him and I’m across the island I can get there in time.

Rustfeather, though…that mob could use some kind of announcement. And a health buff.

Can you post the macro? Thanks!

I just keep moonfire up or mangle to keep threat. Unless the fight has been dragging on for ages then I’ll do some more damage.

I got a chuckle out of nullifier last night. There were a few of us grouped up waiting to pull and here comes a potato DH, pops his cd’s and then backpeddles down the ramp unable to figure out why the boss is immune.