What are your own particular ships?
Thrall + Genn= It’s gonna be epic.
What are your own particular ships?
Thrall + Genn= It’s gonna be epic.
Me + Garrosh
Lord Jaraxxus and Mylune.
the only ship that matters is the ship of theseus
Baine + Gallywix
Not Sunday yet
You monster! Jaraxxus isn’t man enough. >_>
I had to Google what you guys meant by “ship.”
/you kids these days…
Fairshaw even before they became canon.
Wrathion / Anduin
My warlock / Pelagos. That started as a joke but then I figured “eh I can make it work”
Koltira / Thassarian
I’m sure there’s others. I’m just tired.
UR a dude now!
Me and Anduin.
Pelagos is the studly trans man right? I guess we can make him work until you get your own npc XD I think you look fabulous now that you’ve swapped to male belf
More than 2 syllables is a challenge for the youngsters.
Looks at lawn
Thall glanced at genn sheepishly. You
… you baka he shouted
Thrall couldn’t let his feelings for genn senpai be known.
I ship a bowl of cookies and my rumbly tummy.
Im part of the generation everyone throws under the bus for being young and dumb (millenial) and even i had no clue what that was until I asked someone lol
Yup. Figured he’d be cute while Rosenivy is settling into their new body.
Also I just like the aesthetic of a gothic warlock with a literal angel