The game is currently bleeding out and Shadowlands is the bandage. It can’t be much worse than what is.
Except not everyone is looking to level a stable of alts in the new system. Two months of prepatch might be good for some players, and drive more players away. The average player is ready for BFA to be over. Prepatch has nowhere near enough content that an additional 2 months would keep players engaged and not suffering tedium of BFA lasting even longer.
If they had designed prepatch to last 6-8 weeks and had appropriate content to keep players engaged for that long, then a delay would be more acceptable. There’s simply not enough in the prepatch to last an extended delay at this point.
what if the bandage is dirty?
causes a infection.
causes you to lose that arm… or maybe even your life.
id rather we take the proper precautions, deliver a bandage then a dirty one.
Do you think I don’t? I despise BFA but I want shadowlands to be finished, glistening with newborn energy. Not a mistake. take a sacrifice and afk for a month or two till the baby is ready?
or do we want to rush this horribly life-threatening attempt to close a gaping wound of brain drain and players leaving?
i miss the old bliz. the one that said: " its done when its done "
not this chop chop lets throw this trash out on the block.
so… why not on official forum?
If only a certain someone saw the word ‘like’ and deduced that I was using examples and wouldn’t want to spend all night Googling every single WoW news site and hoping they can deduce what I said.
If only schools taught reading
Heck no, get me out of this corruption alt hating dumpster fire ASAP
Ok log into the game in Dec - Jan , cya
How is the game currently bleeding? They said they have more engagement with their last earnings call, didn’t they?
People already booked off work and would make many many topics across various forums complaining about that.
hear me out. until they release sub counts they spin there decreasing numbers very well.
that’s very silly of them.
i wouldn’t even think that’s a good idea. I’ve seen so many bad launches
Honestly that decision is outside of blizzard. And Activision isn’t going to delay it.
They don’t care about subs anymore. They have the cash shop to make up the difference. Notice how they go with “player engagement” or “time played” metrics now. The more you’re online. The more tempted you may be to get one of those fancy wow tokens.
How long have you been in the beta? I’ve been hoping to get in for so long, lol. What exactly needs polish that you see?
OP said the Maw.
I would agree if BfA wasn’t the precursor to the delay. I can’t take this crap anymore, Id rather they revert back to the WoD twitter patch than play anymore of this azerite corruptions essence garbage
longevity sake I don’t think that’s a great idea.
maybe to milk the cow for all its worth but not getting new cows to the pastchure with terrible grass.
grass being expansions. cows being new players/players
only a month now. i wish I got in sooner but still happy I got in this time.
maw and torghast.
torghast being a little more. i fear for reputation
If they haven’t figured it out yet, 2 months won’t do anything.
I’d rather get new content. We’ve been on the same patch since January.
im using allot of analogies in this thread but imagine a ship.
that ship is stable to float but has holes in the sail and bottom of the ship.
shouldnt you get that fixed before setting sail on a 2 year adventure?
because in that time you could have made 2 other expansions.
There will never be an ideal expansion. You have to just keep moving.
I agree they should delay if it’s not up to “Blizzard quality”. I just think they’re too far gone at this point to turn back now. Too many people will complain if it gets delayed.
that runs the risk of sinking your ship.
trudging water isnt a great way to avoid the sharks in the water.
i think they can do this with little to no blow back.
releasing the prepatch, announcing setbacks because of covid, and withstand the small bombardment of rant threads for 2 months.