I sense powerful retcons on the horizon

Who knows? We don’t actually know where Arthas and Garrosh ended up and if Arthas did go to the Maw it could be because he’s the Lich King and was too dangerous to be left in Revendreth.

For all we know the Arbiter could be able to see passed the fourth wall, looked at Kael’s story, and went “Wow, Burning Crusade was some hot garbage for you, wasn’t it hun? Okay, you get a second chance.”


My assumption is that there will be a lot of retcons of events to make Sylvanas being ‘full evil’ seem less out of the blue. We already saw this via the one statement that she planned the Wrathgate all along, something that was never so much as hinted at for years and years… and years.

Much of her current direction is already a retcon as is, given we were literally in her head in a few stories, such as Before The Storm, and Edge of Night, where she quite literally didn’t even think along the lines she is now.

It’ll be much like a reverse of what they did to Illidan in Legion to try and wash away the idea that he was basically a villain in Burning Crusade.


It is odd.

During WoD it implies that the Genesaurs were creations of the titans as you could control some of them with a titan artifact you find during the Gorgrond quest chain (if you picked the Lumber mill outpost).

Yet in Chronicles they are the spawn from the sporemounds that were killed by Grond.

Kael’thas joined with Kil’jaeden because he was desperate. Illidan refused to give him the arcane power source he promised when they made their alliance back in WC3 (warlock green fire chain).

But yeah, I wished we got to see that during TBC instead of it being latched onto a quest chain only 1 class can do.

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Ironically as I consider my Belf Lock a Blood Mage I avoided that quest because I wanted regular looking fire to be a big part of his aesthetic.

Christ I avoided a cool bit of Belf Lore by trying to make my Belf fit better into Belf Lore.

You can turn it off for a price.

If i’m not mistaken in chronicles vol. 2 it says that the apexis cristals were already in draenor when aggramar arrived, and he thinks that must be another titan’s doing.
What if eonar had arrived in draenor way before aggramar even know the planet existed?
This would explain why the plant life was out of control.

This is why I can’t accept statements like

seriously. It seems pretty evident to me that, no matter what one’s personal opinion on Sylvanas is, that they’ve been doing some pretty heavy retconning to set up this “she never cared” angle because there has been quite a lot of evidence in the past that she did.

Of course, I’ve screamed into the wind about this before, about how quite a few people seem totally sanguine about playing along with Blizzard’s retcon scheme, so I don’t expect much to change here.


When Blizzard makes a story decision that we hate, we’re certainly expected to complain about it to a point. Once that point has past, we really only have three choices; accept it and try to find something else to enjoy about the story, continue to complain to the point of becoming a sick form of self parody, or leave to find some other game to invest our time and effort in.

We all know plenty of people who’ve taken the third option, I completely respect it, but obviously the two of us haven’t made that choice yet. We also see people on this forum every day who have opted to continue complaining to the point of self parody, even one who does it while pretending she’s also taken the third option. I opt to take the first option, because I’m not ready to take the third, and I find the people stuck on the second choice to be tedious and aggravating.

Anyway I like you, I think your posts present an interesting point of view, and you don’t engage in the usual bag of fallacious bull to keep some pretend moral high ground. When it comes time to make the choice between taking the story as it is, or becoming the blood elf equivalent of a few of the more prolific Night Elf posters, I expect you’ll make the more interesting choice.


Nah, nah. She pulled the clone army. Kidnapped Horde members, created a Grand Army of the Horde and replaced all the kidnapped members with the clones that went on to fight in her name.

The poor kidnapees were kept hidden underground to be re-cloned whenever they “died” on the battlefield.


What could be more sympathetic than falling in defense of your city and not even being allowed to rest in peace, but being raised into undeath against your will? How is Sylvanas less sympathetic than Kael’thas?


Well her whole arc as Undead, is what kicked the change in her character.
But I was simply asking, if Sylvanas went to Maw, then why Keal’Thas was made an exception? I don’t see that much differences between them tbh.

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I guess that the guy who would sell out his own planet and people to suck on a little extra fel juice isn’t a threat to the Shadowlands, but Sylvanas who was mostly out for vengeance and felt purposeless after Arthas’ death was.


take me there, if fel has the same effect as most drugs i’ll become a elf junky anytime!

Yeah exactly I have hard time to understand it and I was seriously shocked when they said that KT ended in purgatory. When Sylv died second time - by making suicide She really didn’t do anything more nasty than a living person would do, she betrayed Garithos, had a coup in her own city after her people betrayed the Horde, and she herself was sending sometimes people on pointless death / had her people experiment on others.

She didn’t even start to raise others to undeath.

And all of that was enough to send her to Maw. But KT who had also violent expansion, which almost ended in killing off remaining survivors of others species (draenei), who also betrayed his partner, and was working to doom the world by allowing Burning Legion to expand in very Azshara-esque way, didn’t.
KT was also power hungry which we see in Mavister terrace preview.

I guess the only explanation is fanservice :man_shrugging:
Draka is as much confusing really.

Well the original theory about why she and forsaken went to the maw originally he’ll was because she was undead, and being raised into undeath would kind of sign any chance of a blissful afterlife away. Also I’m curious as to if DKs are still hunted by specters of the shadowlands? Remember that WoTLK quest with Koltira Deathweaver where you had to kill said shades that where hunting him and it would only give him a brief reprieve, is that still a thing?

Was Sylvanas sent to the Maw or Taken to the Maw?

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It was always implied that she was sent to the Maw (or rather somewhere horrible of which we didn’t have a name for yet). It’s only recently that it’s been suggested that she might have been taken/stolen by the Jailer to make a deal with her. I suppose this is one of those “We’ll have to wait and see” things.

Given how little we know the reverse could also very much be a possibility: Kael’Thas was taken/stolen by Revendreth to be used as a weapon against the Jailer/Maw. (or The Arbiter)

I read the book and the Apexis Crystals are outright stated to be created by the Apexis themselves using their Magic.

The place Eonar is found is called Elunaria. It was created by Elune not Eonar! Elune created Draenor.

What purpose Elune had in creating Sporemounds is unknown though may be discovered when we meet her.

The Venthyr portion of the official Shadowlands Website says that their removing Pride spares the victims from the Maw.

In otherwords Kael’thas was just as if not more worthy of the Maw as Sylvanas though where her actions stem from Pragmatism his stem from Pride so the Arbiter saw a means of fixing him while unable to see a way to fix Sylvanas!