I sense powerful retcons on the horizon

Sylvanas true fate at the end of this expansion is not to sent back to the maw, but to be sent into the far past as disembodied spirit.

She sent back nearly to beginning of time. She become a cancerous spirit that set all the bad things in the universe in motion.

She will inform the void lords of the titans, tell Sargares the threat of void lords, persuade Archimond and Kil’jaeden to take the deal, tell Azshara about Sargeras, turn away the elementals spirits from Gul’dan, will waken Deathwing from his slumber, will help to turn the noble Arthas into a deathnight, and she would be to help arthas raze Qual’thalas.

Once her past self is killed, her circle ends.

And all that wouldn’t be a retcon, it would simple be new information.

The real twist of Sylvanas is that she won’t have a redemption ark, but she will be used to help set the redemption of everyone else.

About that… in the eonar fight if you look enough you can find a genesaur in the waters bellow the platforms, together with some wod animal life like the dire wasps and kaliri.
Wich is really weird, i mean why eonar would have those creatures in her planet?

Keep in mind that it isn’t just the severity of crimes committed that get you sent to the Maw. Revendreth is a place where redeemable souls go. Not just souls that did kind-of-bad things.

It is possible, and perhaps even likely given Sylvanas’ personality, that no amount of time in a cosmic time out with depressed vampires would make Sylvanas regret her choices outside of, perhaps, regretting making choices that lead to her punishment specifically.

Kael, at the end of the day, truly did care about the safety of his people before going off the rails. Sylvanas has always cared about herself first and foremost and, especially with new revelations under consideration, never cared about the Forsaken outside their capacity to serve her goals.

Kael can be redeemed because he does care about people beyond himself and, when his mind isn’t addled by copious amounts of fel juice, may regret his decisions leading up to his downfall.

I don’t think Sylvanas would ever truly regret the evil choices she made. Therefore she cannot be redeemed and so did not go to Revendreth.


but who need redemption at this point? everyone else is fine, the horde and alliance plot will not go away they already told us that.

ppl are so delusional when talking about sylvanas, she will be a raid boss and her fate will be decided in a cinematic thats what we will got, after that who knows.

this is BFA alpha all over again with ppl hoping for plot twists that will not occur.

Where’s the line drawn though? Arthas arguably was driven mad by his defense of Lordaeron. Garrosh clearly wanted an Orcish world that could be interpreted as a love for his people.

Honestly Kael’s kinda an odd ball case as his story was, bad, really. His reckless disregard of Outland and it’s people in favor of his own made sense but seemed like a redeemable offense. Clearly was for Illidain. But suddenly joining the Legion and trying to get an invasion through the Sunwell going seems like the actions of someone who hates the Sin’Dorei and wants them to be exquisitely ruined. Never got how that made sense beyond “He went bonkers”. And it’s not even a sad Old Yeller scenario you 5 man a cracked out version with a meme tier return explanation.


Arthas had allot to drive him mad, Kael made no sense in TBC though like wc3 painetd him completely different


Yeah his story was probably my favorite in that game. In general it’s been weird seeing Belves more farther away from their magic aesthetic. Blood Knights were fair enough, especially when they were the only Red Paladins but like, where’d the magical constructs and phoenixs go? I thought thats what they’d bring to the table. BKs and Farstriders are neat I guess but it’s weird trying to sell yourself on physical combat prowess when you’re friends with Tauren - who by all rights could use you as a bludgeon if need be.


Very true very true, the sindorei people where a well renowned country of mages and the spell breaker was a unique combination of both arcane negation and physical prowess.


He did care for people but it was in past tense when we kill him in magister terrace he was about to wipe the entire world with aid of Burning Legion. He said himself that he will see “the World drown in it’s own blood”. Meaning that upon dying caring for other was last thing on his mind. When Sylvanas died the first time she was also seemingly caring for others and didn’t go to Maw directly. Only upon second time. As far as I am aware Keal’Thas also died the second time in Magister terrace.

So honestly I am surprised he ended there and why he got different treatment. I’d sooner see Garithos in that realm than Legion’s sellout.


His character shift though didn’t make sense though, WC3TFT showed Kael genuinely care and do so much to save and ensure their survival.


So we retcon it instead? Listen I’d also like to retcon TBC, for Zul’Jin to be alive and joining him instead of former enemies. But that’s how things were.

If he was cursing the entire world on his dying breah he should’ve imo end in the Maw.

Fel is a hell of a drug.

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No what I mean is Kael had no real explanation for his shift of personality

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When he joined Illidan, he went on expansionto get mana for his people, they already did questionable things to obtain it, he was more working on getting mana and power. And power can twist everyone. Besides he didn’t care that much about his people when he was in Dalaran when Arthas made a trip to Sunwell. So I think people were overestimating him.

“the total slaughter of around 90% of the high elven race[[14]], and the killing of Kael’s father, King [Anasterian Sunstrider] Kael’thas learned of this while in [Dalaran]” this does he didn’t know about the invasion till after the fact, and an aside about kael and his father“ Kael loved his father, [Anasterian], but the two did not always see eye-to-eye. While Kael felt loyalty and duty-bound to the Alliance,[[43]] his father rescinded his own allegiance to it, and recalled the elves to their enchanted kingdom after the [Second War] Kael remained in Dalaran despite this, and his father worried whether Kael’thas truly understood that it would one day fall to him to rule Quel’Thalas.[[44]] Kael was left shattered by Anasterian’s death, and strove to make his father’s memory proud.”

What does that debunk exactly?

The fact that kael “didn’t cares enough to help his people during the scourge invasion “ He didn’t know about it and when he learned he was distraught and rebuked Jaina for being with a monster like Arthas, the stuff about him and his father? I thought it was an interesting aside since kael desired to make his father proud even though their views differed on the alliance.

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I meant that he was away living frivolous life away from his home. Even in the quote you provided his dad was worried over this difection as KT didn’t seem to be concerned over his duties as a heir to the throne.

Anyway people change, Thrall was also pro Horde and now he had to be convinced to return from dying world to be bothered with this faction.
I didn’t like this direction but it happened.

So I don’t think KT should’ve end in that Revendeth or whatever it is calleD, but to straight to the Maw like Sylvanas.

Difference of opinions on kaels fate, I remember allot of fans really upset at the end of tbc because kael turned villain. You do raise a valid point that people change, my only opinion was that it was out of the blue when TBC came out.

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Well ofc they had right to be upset over it, I was also upset on how Vol’Jin’s death was handled. But what was done was done. And so judging what Keal’Thas did I think he shouldn’t have a chance for redemption when he did exact same thing as Azshara did - made out of well a Portal for demonic invasion.

I just don’t see what makes him better than Sylvanas. Other than having more sympathetic beginnings in WC3.