People not liking their race change does not make Blizzard look bad. It makes the player look like they did not make an educated decision on what race they wanted to be. Not every race is going to be a good fit for every person and it is up to the consumer to select one they like.
It is FREE to make a new character and test out that race first. There are even free trial characters. Nothing preventing people from learning about racial abilities, lore, themes, transmogs, etc.
I never said I did not like a race change. This is related to buggy game mechanics, as it always is!
This just re-emphasizes their shady way of doing business. Do you even know how long it would take to gear a level 80 and max gear it, to test a race? Wow.
Not that this is even an issue right now, I know I want to go Highmountain, I selected highmountain and your game made me select regular Tauren.
Edit: Still can’t copy a character, not that it matters, I wanted to go highmountain and your game bugged out!
MVPs are other players, not Blizzard staff. They do not speak for, or represent Blizzard.
WoW is most certainly not “my” game. None of us own the game, characters, Bnet account, or anything else. I also have no business role or responsibility for the game.
I get the feeling there’s a lot more to this than we’re being told. Probably been abusing the staff for refunds/reversals for years.
First off, an expansion refund is much different than a faction change refund. An expansion license is easier to remove from the account (especially if it happened in the pre-purchase period, like most refunds), while a faction change involves rolling a character back to an earlier state, which may not still exist.
Second, doing it once in the past but not now probably means it was a one-time exception. That means exactly how it sounds: one time. That means if you ask again, it’s going to get declined, because that would completely nullify the purpose of saying “one time”.
Please do that, and be sure to let us know how it goes.
PayPal isn’t going to put up with your complaining anymore than Blizzard will. You might be successful once or twice through them, but they will start to be wary of what you’re doing and cut you off.
By the way, just so you know, this thread is now over. The MINUTE you mention any kind of legal action, the chances of getting any Blue response dropped like a rock. Once any legal action comes into the conversation, it’s now a legal issue where an employee cannot say anything, lest it be used in possible litigation/arbitration.
You may get a response, but it will likely be very quick and final. There’s no more troubleshooting, no more trying to help or offering you advice on what to do next. Dumb legal threats are not taken lightly, and they are not going to get you any more attention (at least not the attention you want).
Good lord, quite the unhinged one aren’t you…Really, I would suggest just stopping at this point. Our forum Centaur and sleepy panda are not going to take kindly to full on defamation on the company, and the…wild things you’re saying in general here.
Yep. “My dad is god and these people run the world”…but they can’t scrap together money for a plane ticket to follow through on their threats. That’s some awful running of the world.
Yep this is much how it was with my job I had with [Unnamed Company].
If any customer threatened legal action towards us in our interactions we were to inform them that we’re no longer allowed to speak towards them and they’re free to contact our legal team.
This is only possible on a character that can be fully reverted. Faction changes alter both the character’s quest state (a.k.a. nukes the log entirely) and sets certain other flags. If there isn’t a recent enough savepoint for your account, they can’t process this regardless of full or partial use of purchased faction changes (you have multiple here and used one so that counts as a partial refund).
Their tools are limited in what they can do. I would surmise that the partial use is what prevents the refund process from occuring as they can’t do partial refunds as noted earlier in this thread. It is, for all intents and purposes, a perfect storm of just the right circumstances preventing a refund. In the future, assuming nobody can help in the end for this particular purchase, if you wish to do multiple faction changes, it would be wise to purchase them one at a time, that way there is at least the possibility of a refund since a single use can be reverted in the event of error (they’re lenient with user error where possible).
It isn’t a lie. Basically, while GMs have a good deal of options at their disposal on the whole, if their tool(s) can’t do what you need because of specific circumstances, then it simply can’t. I hate using the term, but think of GMs as Blizzard’s equivalent of your ISP’s tier 1 tech support, a.k.a. the “script kiddies”. They’re bound by the limitation their tools can perform. Manual changes to a character have ramifications alluded to above with the aforementioned quest log and character state being chief among them. It’s why once you use a consumable item (one time use such as a mount that came with the version of the expansion you purchased), they can’t remove it easily, if at all due to its integration into the account. You’d be surprised just how “spaghetti code” our account variables really are. This is simply one of those times their tool is of no use to them, or you, sadly.
Edit: The one possibility you might have for a solution here is to a) reopen the ticket, this time asking if they (Blizzard/GM) can grant you a race change, and b) be polite about it. Those trying to give you advice here are trying to be as helpful as they can. One thing to keep in mind with regard to the GM being allowed to apply a race change is that they are also limited by the faction change restrictions. That may also be playing into this. They can’t process any further changes to the character for at least 72 hours after the faction change took place. This is why reopening the ticket and asking if this option can be used is your best bet in this instance. But you’ll need to be courteous in doing so. Hostility will almost guarantee the ticket is closed and further submissions will be deemed harassment (i.e. they’ll close it and tell you it’s final and no further appeals can be made).
Patience is a virtue in this instance. It doesn’t hurt to try again, but be thorough in your explanation and above all, avoid hostility. You get more flies with honey than with vinegar, as it were.
I am sorry to hear that, Betaplox. Unfortunately, I don’t know if there is much we can do there, as the responses you have received indicated.
We don’t currently have any known issues with the Race or Faction Change system, but if you believe the system is bugged I’d recommend submitting a bug report so our QA team can look into it.
As this thread seems to have gone off a little bit I’m going to lock it up.