I see why premades are so prevelant now

guyz dint u kno wen blzz disabulled raid q 4 randums they secretely wanted ppl 2 qsink in there raids insted workin as intended

god this straw man is so dumb lol

Thaedreu also would be someone who unironically supports someone as terrible as Andrew Tate lmao

Where did I say I supported him? You guys lie so much it’s crazy lol

If you don’t support him, why defend him so vigorously?

Trying to equate a sex trafficker with people in premades in a video game is already about the most cringe thing you’ve done on the forums besides engage in a thread with multiple alts.

It’s actually the result of a steel man.

You believe that clicking buttons, which Blizzard provides and expressly authorizes the use of, is cheating.

Define exploiting in gaming.

Even if you or I provided a definition, it wouldn’t be pertinent, because it is the definition which Blizzard uses which is important.

It’s no surprise you don’t want to provide a definition lol

Ya Blizzard said they didn’t like it and didn’t want it. But you don’t actually care what Blizzard says

It’s no surprise that you want to substitute your own definition.

The one which Blizzard uses obviously doesn’t work for you.

Too bad, so sad.

I asked for yours bud lol you won’t provide.

I don’t have one. I don’t need one.

The one which Blizzard uses is the only one which is important.

You keep saying this without providing it lol I know you like to make stuff up but at least be honest for once bud.

As far as I know, Blizzard hasn’t directly provided it.

They don’t really need to though.

Clicking buttons which Blizzard made and added to their UI, clearly isn’t cheating.

Exploiting is. And doing something not intended by the game is exploiting. Even blizzard agrees with that, or they wouldn’t specially put exploiting is against the rules in there TOS.

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You aren’t intended to leave a queue by clicking a button labeled “Leave Queue”?

You aren’t intended to use that to get your multiple groups in at the same time. If they wanted that they would allow raids to queue.

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It isn’t necessary, the system does it quite often without having to drop a queue.

I can’t remember the last time I’ve had to do it, it’s that rare.

You can lie all you want the fact is blizzard does not want it happening or else they would allow for raids to queue.

I’m not lying.

We generally don’t drop queues.

I’m sorry if that goes against your construction of events, but it generally isn’t necessary for multiple groups to get into an instance.

So, since queuing at the same time, to stack the queue to make a premade, isn’t cheating, I’ll continue to play in the way that I am allowed.