If I started the thread and thread title with “Here’s why Priests need a mobility buff” you know that would have been shouted down by the forums even harder.
But I finally have the admission from at least one person that this was the point of the thread.
Middle of Twin Peaks or Warsong: “Where’s our priest.”
“Sorry guys, I have Curse of Agony on me, I’ll get to the fight sometime before tomorrow.”
Edit: Also want to note, Aug didn’t exist when this was happening at the start of the expansion. That’s when most priests quit and most likely never looked backed.
We also have the other problem: Why bring a priest and an Aug, when the Aug can respec heals instead?
I do this in arena to fw monks and priests mostly. its actually the main way to “cc” the healer when they’re on DR.
I wouldn’t considering it griefing? inflammatory descriptor because you don’t like it?
using grip for any purpose beyond grip → hit them with my hammer = griefing?
its versatile, it heavily controls positioning which makes sense for a tank to have; peel teammates, control pressure on enemies disabling them from using good positioning as a defensive/offensive tool, grip enemies away from healers or healers away from enemies, etc… range/LoS has always been an advantage factor in all forms of pvp for many specs.
this scenario of gripping healers away is completely dismantled by having teammates with any awareness. 2 spriests neither of them immediately grip either of you back? both bdks were standing around setting this up for over 20s and 8 people just stood around and let it happen? could’ve had a dk yourself gripping them to flag so they can’t grip you away?
if you let your opponent enact whatever plan they want you always lose in any game. pretending like there is no counterplay or that its unintended or that you shouldn’t have to deal with it is just ego imo.
Definitely not intended gameplay to have priest underwater for 20 minutes.
going to open my car door but forgot to unlock the car first. guess i’ll just spam pull on the handle because it wasn’t intended to stay locked.
One of my neighbors traps groundhogs and just submerges the trap with the hog inside to drown it (Not for fun. They are a legitimate danger when they burrow under buildings).
I am picturing a death knight doing this but with a goblin in a trap.
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If it’s any consolation, Rated BGB is going to harpoon what’s left of RBGs directly in the heart anyway. You can queue up as much Priest as you like, that’s my plan.
Yep. I don’t forsee many BDKs in Blitz because they can’t carry flags in uncoordinated groups.
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Oh I’m sure some will be queuing, but I would imagine in at least half of the maps they end up on, if they aren’t being an FC or base sitter, some people are going to mass report them. To the best of my knowledge your team only gets one tank, at that point you aren’t really building a team around Oceaning someone–you need them doing other things.