the way you counter bdk or “rescue them” is u have a druid cyclone the dk trying to abduct
All this energy spent on this and Blizzard isn’t gonna do anything. Maybe do something more productive instead just being mad about something on the internet and crying to others.
If you are trying to kill one Blood DK (unless they have flag) let alone two you are doing it wrong. In the video you were all on discord and should have coordinated CC, also an extra tank is a loss of damage for the other team?
If this was the case why do I not see more Blood DKS in the top 500 ladder in Rated Battlegrounds?
Because they play Frost or Unholy. They only switch to blood if there’s a priest on the enemy team.
How many times do you need to be told this?
Okay just did a check of all 10 pages of the top rated players in Rated Battlegrounds and out of 900+ I counted 10, yes 10 Blood DKS.
Which is 1.1% of the spec representing the top players in Rated Battlegrounds
Because they play Frost or Unholy. They only switch to blood if there’s a priest on the enemy team.
How many times do you need to be told this?
So out of 900+ including Frost and Unholy I counted 31 players which is an astonishing 3.4%!
Do you also consider the teams that queue a death knight against a team with a priest just a for a single game due to informants?
That stuff happens…so often…that only MW’s and Dragons heal at sufficiently high MMR.
However, let’s say you’re right (for the sake of the argument). What does it matter?
How does that change what you see in the video in the OP?
“Well only 3.4% of the population commits crimes, so, we shouldn’t punish criminals!”
If it was so OP wouldn’t you see more DKS in the top 900+?
For example go look at all the MW Monks and Boomkins in the top 900.
You are unfortunately not going to get this toxic playerbase to admit that chain gripping priests into the water is high cringe high griefing gameplay.
They say anything blizzard doesn’t immediately ban for is “fair play”.
So I guess the solution is to just reroll to dragon or mw.
And also color me surprised that the dk doing it is the same one who made the thread crying that blitz is replacing rbgs cause its a dead game mode only exacerbated by players like him. (the game mode he likes to do stuff like that in).
Reap what you sow.
I was talking toa RBG leader last night after the games.
Long story short, we both said that RBG’s are (or were) a part of our life. And not being able to play priest at high MMR makes it feel like something is missing in our lives.
RBG’s are something that I still deeply love (regardless of the turboboost flyhacking mafias). But I cannot participate in them at this time, because of blood dks.
Yes. Rerolling MW or Dragon was requested over a year ago. However, even if I were to do that now, it wouldn’t matter, because everyone I know is gone (I wonder why), because they entire meta is shaped by the threat of a Blood DK.
“But I dont see that many Blood Knights at the top of ladder!”
Because no one dares play a comp that can be abused by it.
I saw a lot of pugs last night straight up afk at the start of the game when we ran into the Blood Death Knights.
I have a clip from last night where I outplayed a single Blood DK on EoTS who changed to blood just to kidnap me.
Tell you what I could live with a Death Grip nerf if Blizzard would make us A LOT more mobile.
I agree with this. I don’t know how any plays DK or Priest without rocket jump (goblin).
Here’s the clip of the inexperienced blood dk getting styled on.
To be honest that Blood DK was all over the place, personally in a EOTS I just stall mid, letting my stealth try to three cap. But yeah that DK had no map awareness or even common sense, but GG!
Yet, he still accomplished his mission. I didn’t heal the entire BG.
I won the battle and lost the war.
That to me is the problem.
Yes, my team won, in spite of me being virtually afk (not healing).
For me at least it is a double edged sword in that for the most part you couldn’t heal your team, but at the same time he was pretty much useless. In a map like EOTS or AB I wouldn’t use that strategy as a Blood DK.
The EoTS (assuming the DKs are Kul Tiran), the Blood DK teams will switch to dps, since they only need grip into haymaker to remove a priest.
Now technically, I could have played Divine Ascension and Phase Shift to style on that blood dk harder. However, if he was good at it (and Kul Tiran), it wouldn’t have mattered, even on EoTS.
I’m just so used to playing against it (pretty much very game), that I assume they know how to do it, so I didn’t’ even bother changing talents.
And that is the life of a priest in Rated BG’s right now. Running away from Blood Dks. Had that been any map other than EoTS, I’d be afk in a corner, even against an inexperienced BDK.
I had this issue in silvershard mines before I knew it was an issue. I got grabbed by a dk as my team was running away to another cart (obviously they couldn’t stay or the objectives were lost) and this player just pulled me away from everything.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. There isn’t a single person who plays blood dk in bgs with the sole intent of kidnapping a priest who is happy and stable in their real life. No one who has a happy and stable mindset going on irl spends so much time purely to make someone else’s life miserable. Normal people don’t do that, sad miserable people who have no real life do that.
Take solace in the fact that when ypu log off you have a life and that the blood dks only happiness in life comes from griefing in a video game. When and if they log off their life is an empty shell with no real joy.
You seem to use the two interchangeably.
Anyway, yes this is intended gameplay. You would fare much better if you dropped the “intended gameplay/griefing” aspect and just argued that it’s too strong or it’s degenerate gameplay.