I remember when

I would see a player in the city decked out in high end gear, it was like WOW check this guy out!
Telling my buddies “come over here and look at this guys gear” we were in aw.
The respect we had for him of what he had to go through, The dedication, the journey he took to get there.

Then I told myself I’m going to get there, I’m going to learn my character better, read up on my class, watch videos, I’m going to find a good guild and prove myself.
I’m going to stick it out with them thick and thin .
And I did just that and it was a wonderful sense of accomplishment over and over week after week the better I got another sense of accomplishment, always remembering that guy I saw in the city that day as my motivation.
joining the guild and another sense of accomplishment getting that first piece of gear then the second.
What a wonderful journey that was, what an incredible motivation.

Now I see a guy decked out in the city and I Wonder how much he paid to a GDKP to get that gear.
And then an even worse thought…
what about the poor people that just started playing where are they getting their motivation? There’s nothing to inspire them.

Then a lot of things begin to make sense, no wonder people easily give up on a guild or leave a group with no warning, or don’t know how to play their class well…
They don’t need to they can just swipe a card get their gold join a GDKP and be dripping in gear with little to no effort.

It’s sad that so many people will never know what That beautiful journey was like.


nice blog post


(of a person) deal effectively with something difficult.
“his ability to cope with stress”


To an extent, that same wonder you had back then could still be questioned. Did that person earn their gear, or were they just hard carried? The same conundrum exists in other games too… is that person who is decked out or high ranked good, or cheating?

You’re right to ask those questions since the reality of it is, the validity of any given player is in question. However, what does it matter?

The same things that made those goals fun for you to pursue exist today. The same personal accomplishment can be achieved. GDKP changes things… there’s absolutely been a shift towards paying for your gear instead of playing the game normally, but it’s also not as extreme as the shift towards buying boosts instead of grouping to level was.

So really, while you may ask those questions now, nothing should really change for you. If there’s something cool you want, there’s a path from where you are now to a future you that has achieved it, you just have to decide whether or not you want to follow it.


just a game bro


But they will pay the big price of a 3 day ban.

I remember when salty people quit and didn’t plague the forums crying over the same no problem topic for weeks first.

New things all around us it seems.

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Eventually you have to make a decision of whether you believe people in GDKP earned their gear by participating in the fight the exact same way as any other raider or you admit that the raids are so easy you can carry literal dead weight and thus there wasn’t much accomplishment to be had there in the first place.


That is either being young and pathetic, or just pathetic.

They all earned the gold legitimately by fleecing each other on the auction house.

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I agreed with you until this. The content is solved and it’s plenty easy enough to get full bis without having to buy it. I don’t know what server you play on but on Grobb there are plenty of pugs who down all HMs and even some who do Algalon.

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let’s also put this into perspective. we are all 40+ year olds so…. it kinda makes sense

Any askers in the chat?

Go ahead and be in aw of me.


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Honestly now it is the same but more, ‘I wonder how long he had to wait in line for the epgp to be high enough to win the item’. At least in vanilla.

LMFAO… :rofl:

Just be nice and welcome them to Azeroth. Helping others can inspire them to be better players and better people.

That’s a 370,000 gold trinket.

Admire me

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I think there’s some truth to what you’re saying. I remember in Vanilla I got into a raiding guild near the start and stuck with them until the end where we did Naxx 40. Of course, like any raider, I’d get gear and even though I didn’t see it as a huge deal I’d get compliments on simply having the gear. I found that kind of weird as I was raiding to raid and really, I liked the gear mostly because it would help me kill other players in PVP.

The reality is that was never going to be a thing again. A large number of those who played Vanilla were just happy to mess around in dungeons or PVP for most of their time, and a lot of people were taking like 2 months to hit max level. There wasn’t that end-game rush it was all about just having fun playing the game, outside of some of the more “hardcore” players who liked to push content even back then.

With people coming back for Classic the majority wanted to raid and on top of that pservers have been a thing for so long that people were perfecting the game over there. People were always going to get decked out in this version no matter the path.

I was looking through old screenshots the other day and found this one from May 2005 where I was on my ally account (I played horde, and very few people did the two-account thing) and I was trying to talk a guy into dueling me. It’s kind of funny because this sort of thing would never be said any more:

I’ll also just edit this to say that I don’t ever remember people not being decked with gear in Wrath even in 2009. Only in Vanilla do I really remember what you’re talking about.

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Oh look another worthless mad cause bad post by Ohdin.

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