I really wish corruption was never a thing

Bah I just wanted item to drop off of rare’s, bosses, dungeons and loot boxes that when used on some gear would randomly warforge it. Just make that item soulbound and then let all other loot be tradeable.

And when we move on to new content take that item off the loot list and transfer it over to the new content.

That woulda worked just as well.

Titanforging made me want to redo content because the chance of a nice upgrade was fun. Corruption made me stop playing because being punished for getting a upgrade was not fun.

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a lot of bad players who got one shot by TD in this thread

How? We get to pick and choose now and not be stuck with that 425 ring that had the proper corruption. Have to wait 10 days? Farm up more echoes.

All of these “force-you-to-play-for-our-metrics” systems suck, tbh.

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Agreed. Corruption was just awful and should’ve never been implemented.
Titanforging was a better system (and even that was a pretty bad system anyway).

Corruption is awful for PvP, I can get behind that. They should have left it disabled in rated PvP at least.

For PvE I still no longer have qualms about it except that they should have added them to MOTHER months earlier so people had more time to deal with the silly rotation.

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Time saved =/= fun. I’d rather take 5 minutes to kill a mob rather than 2 seconds if it means more fun.

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So do all who live to see such times.

Corruption was fun for a while, bit it was too powerful.

I think that was kinda the point.

Massive overtime nerfs like the old flat 30% nerfs to the final tier content or upgrading legendary rings, Argus trinkets, 4/4 valor upgrades, etc.

Definitely not.

I was in the infamous LFR Gul’dan kill where somebody got a 925 Draught of Souls.

What exactly did that player do to deserve the absolute unconditional best version of the best Strength trinket in the entire raid over players who killed Mythic Gul’dan while it was current only to get 910 versions of it nonstop?

Well we gotta do what we gotta do when the Draenei won’t use their ship!

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I kind of get this sentiment… but I mostly wish corruption was introduced much, much earlier. Now it’s been around for such limited time it almost seems pointless.

Raiders should be able to do the content they want to do. They shouldn’t have to worry about a lost opportunity of BiS gear for not running every difficulty.

LFR is fine, being pressured to run it because it might drop a super-titanforged better-than-Mythic item at a minuscule rate is not.

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Corruption in my opinion was fine on paper but in practice its just turned into a clown festival of someone getting one shotted by a twilight devastation, having an insane amount of haste, having a proc that deals more damage than your abilities and during pre-vendor days, you have 100% no control over what you get, thus resulting why I call this the worst system implemented in the game’s history, nothing will top this off, If Blizzard did balance this well maybe I will have some faith in Covenants but given the negative record I will not have faith.

I would rather not have Titanforging either while it didn’t provide buffs to the gear, it did increase the item level of the item, some certain items like trinkets, the example I can provide was the arcano crystal from a world boss in Azsuna during Legion, Its so bloated with secondary stats that it ended up being the best trinket in the game and with titanforging existing this thrinket will beat out all the current mythic level trinkets just because being bloated with secondary stats is enough, there are some good ones but that trinket is just simply too good if you are lucky to have it titanforge.

I think most of us would prefer that at this point.

Tbf, it didn’t turn out to be. A lot of people predicted it would be before it even went live.

If you feel pressured to run something for ilvl, that’s on you.

Are you planning to do hardcore PVP In Shadowlands to min max your gear/weekly chest? If not, then your excuse holds absolutely zero merit coming from you.

You want options removed from other people for the mere fact you’re being OCD about gear.


Only thing that I think should be removed is gambling for titanforges.

Why? Because PvP players don’t want to run trivial content to gamble for titanforges, they’d rather be able to PvP. PvE players don’t want to run trivial content to gamble for titanforges because they would rather do engaging content with adequate rewards.

Not speaking for everyone, but if you are doing progression, you’d probably have more things to care about than running LFR and Normal over and over again well after you past the point where their drops are only useful for titanforges. People that want to run them still can, but running old content shouldn’t be the optimal choice to progress in current content.