I really wish corruption was never a thing

I’d much prefer titanforging over corruption. Don’t get me wrong I’d prefer neither but out of the 2 I wish titanforging was the thing we still had.


yeah corruption turned out to be doodoo…


For sure, I can’t say I have ever disliked a WoW system as much as I dislike corruption.


I prefer Corruption over Titanforging, because it doesn’t incentivize running trivial raids.

Corruption did make things weird, but now it’s like, “Eh.” Powerful for a patch then gone.


It was just an experiment is all. Won’t know until you try! It’ll be gone in a month or two anyways.

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As a casual on the one hand I can see where you’re coming from, but on the other hand, cascading space lasers.

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I thought it was kinda fun for a thematic final patch super power mode to nerf content.

The final tier always has some super nerf or player power gain and this one was very strong with a lot of playstyles.

Would definitely not want it all the time.


PvP sets/vendor doesn’t exist but then wth is this (i’ve got a ilvl445) :

Use: Lob void energy at the destination, creating a pool of spite. Enemies within the pool are snared by 60% and have their Corruption increased by 20.
The pool applies Lingering Spite every second, increasing the target’s corruption by 3. Lingering Spite decays every second the target is outside of the pool.
(1 Min Cooldown)

I wish they would just make visual options the rng factor. No more stats or abilities just cosmetic options.

Something like a chrome forge that applies chrome metal effects to certain equipment segments or stuff like those dragon wings people have now.

But Titanforge is just bloating ilvl

Corruption Boosts the current gear to do more. It is also very apparent when it comes to dps number , the look and feel .

Corruption is definitely better. Broken but better :rofl:

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I’d prefer bloated ilvl vs rng 1 shots. The day they remove both is the day I will be happy. It can’t come soon enough.


It is kind of annoying that they nerfed Gushing Wound because it was a “problem” yet all the others remained untouched.

I’d be fine if they just came out and just said “yeah we can’t be bothered to fix them, expac will be over soon. Deal with it” I’d have more respect for them.

But as it stands? They introduced a broken system that they clearly didn’t test for, said F it and just let it run rampart. Hell they flat out said in one post about Paladins that they knew it was problem and then like 5 posts later said they have no plans on fixing it.

They went in saying outright it was just for a patch and not permanent. I think it was just a test with a lot of bad maths happening that spiral’d out.

If I did end game and all that, I wouldn’t mind corruption. But it has made lots of the game just either broken or wonky af.

Not to mention I find visions extremely annoying so I stopped bothering with cloak stuff.

Titanforging did not bloat ilvl. It was calculated into gearing. Average would have been the same with or without titanforging. Non-titanforged gear was slightly lower in ilvl to keep the average on target.


Titanforging meant a LFR casual could get max IL and do equal damage to a Mythic raider.
A LFR raider with LFR gear and tier 6 Twilight will do less dmg than a Mythic geared raider w/ tier 6 twilight.
So the balance of power doesn’t skew.

I would prefer some version of limited titanforging.

The only gear upgrades I ever want to see again are the crafted versions we used to have. Shoulder inscriptions, Belt buckles, leg armors and what not.



Titanforging was rare. Even an exceptionally high titanforge only added a few ilvls to a casual’s gear.

During Legion we were often told by flaming elitists on the forum that it was common for casuals (called “LFR heroes”) to obtain entirely higher than mythic ilvl gear through random drops in casual content.

No one was ever able to come up with even one example of this, nor were they able to link us to a mythic raider who had equipped even one piece of titanforged LFR gear.


It wasn’t that rare. This coming from the 7th highest item player (in the WORLD) in Dazalor.

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I’m speaking mathematically. The odds against getting one better than mythic ilvl titanforge from an emissary or LFR were literally 1 in billions or trillions.

What you are describing was mathematically impossible. The examples of “LFR heroes” and “casuals” with complete better-than-mythic ilvl gear we were given turned out to be players who had farmed high keys and heroic raids.

How many better than mythic ilvl titanforges did you get from emissaries?

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