I had the same feelings (wanted to love them) and I gave up on the race for the same reason. I had a KT Warrior and I could not find a mog that looked good on them besides their heritage armor. Maybe one day Blizzard will tweak their graphics but I wouldn’t hold my breath.
I know, right? I don’t know ANY Kul Tirans.
Druid to unlock the heritage, then you can play whatever without looking too bad.
Yeah if I wanted to play a carni attraction of a race.
Hey,look this fella has weird troll feet.
Come gather around after paying a box office fee.
Don’t think you’re stuff does not stink as well buddy.
wiggles his 4 toes at you
I guess everyone’s taste really can vary wildly. I find Nightborne females to be quite lovely in a variety of mogs. It’s the males that look horribad to me in most non-robe mogs (the robes hide their spindly legs).
One issue I think affects both Nightborne and Void Elves is their skin color selection which greatly limits the color schemes of mogs that look good on them. Void Elves will have this addressed in SL but so far we haven’t seen any sign of what’s to come for the Nightborne. Hopefully they get the massive overhaul they so desperately need.
The issues with Kul Tirans for me are mainly about body type proportions and ugly male faces.
The trick is to match armour pieces with the heritage armour coat. There are ones that do work with KT’s, but the coat is always a safe bet for looking good.
I dislike playing fat races so I would have to agree
The best part is BE players are asking for even more stuff in Shadow Lands meanwhile KT humans are played by no one because of basic issues and can’t even dream of the decadence BE players are in.
I wish they could use the Stormwind human model, like 90% of Kul Tiran NPCs do.
Having the thicker model as an option isn’t a problem, but it’s not representative of most Kul Tiran characters.
That is actually the continuation of a thread started by a blue. But complain away.
Upright posture orcs have some major issues as well - primarily with their armor that floats like an equivalent foot above their shoulders.
When I put on a few pounds, all my clothes look stretched on me too. So really Blizz is just making the game more realistic.
That’s why the best transmog for KT is to hide everything, and put on the shortest short shorts you can find.
You are vain and selfish
Not only that but 90% of the hype train aroudn KT before Xpack launch was around the thin models (which everyone assumed would be playable, once data mined), from content creators to everyone. People were happy thicc boys were there, but they by far weren’t the majority. But blizz decided to do their classic “F U Alliance!” on their dev time and didn’t give the players what they actually wanted. The crowning allied race of the expansion being barely touched is by far one of the most hysterical blizz eff ups EVER!
The only alliance ARs I bothered with were the Lightforged Draenei and Void Elves.
The only good ones imo but one is a discount blood elf and the other is a more religious Draenei.
I always end up deleting any KT I make. I have a druid right now. I love his name but I just… I just can’t do it.
I’m probably going to delete him too. There’s just something about them I don’t like even though I want to like them.
They’re great
It’s okay to not appeal to everyone. Not every race needs to compete with the androgynous anime characters.
Always wear slutmog on them so you look like a wrestler.