I Really Think 10.0 Should be "Undermine"

The other massive issue is Kezan was literally taken over by the Venture Company in BFA and transformed into the dungeon the Motherlode. That place is flooded with Azerite and lava still – I doubt it the Undermine even exists in lore at this point in time or enough so where it could be large enough for one expansion.

Cool, I could get behind that idea. Maybe Gallywix woke up something he shouldn’t have (not a super original idea I know)

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I like the idea of Undermine as a major PvP hub, with daily/weekly quests, spectator arena, duels, xmog, etc… The new brawlers’ guild.

But, much like the Dragon Isles, I do not think they are “big enough” to sustain a whole expansion idea.

Read above. They specifically state that the undermine is where they are sourcing nearly 100% of the Azerite.

And, Gallywix hired the Venture Co to strip mine the ruins of Kezan.
The only reason we wind up going there is because the Venture. Co betrayed us and tried to cut us out of the market.

Undermine is still there. Maybe repairing itself, but certainly still there.

I don’t think the Undermine would be the whole expansion. Just the Main city. The whole expansion would be underground though.

Abandoned gnome cities, rogue earth elementals, bioluminescent caves. All sorts of stuff

there’s other underground zones, there’s supposed to be a huge cave under the whole of northrend, filled with nerubians - dead and alive, old god minions, and who knows what else, it wouldn’t be that hard to expand those two into some kind of underdark type subterranean world. Could get some kobold lore going, remember troggs exist, and maybe even find some lost earthen/mechagnome colonies beneath the earth.

I’d imagine the climax of the expansion wold be dealing with whatever is stopping azeroth from maturing as a titan and awakening, maybe that’d involve finally dealing with the sword and finishing off the azerite storylines.

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Spectator arenas would be awesome. Imagine if you could sit in the arena and watch people Q haha

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Undermine fighting pits for cash prizes. Sounds thematic

I think this is possible. the decoded messages in game told about a huge war underground and units were being sent to it. And always kept in my mind what those decoded messages were trying to say. 121,172 robo-units have been assembled and now march to face unknown threat in the Magnetic Chasm below the Molten Eternium Sea.

Places like Magnetic Chasm or Molten Eternium Sea we could see those places someday.

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I completely forgot about this! Perhaps the unknown threat could be The “Big Bad” of the expansion.

Either way, I want to see the Undermine set up as a Capital city

this is a generic Saturday cartoon villain. hardly any “better”

You would really prefer the Jailer, who’s entire personality is “No One Escapes the Maw” even when we escaped 20 minutes into the expansion?

Please give us Villains that actually make sense for WarCraft. Gallywix may be Cheesy. But I’d take a cheesy Villain that makes perfect sense over any more “Master Planning” Villains ever again

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did I say that?
cheesy, boring villains are just that. boring. there’s nothing satisfying about besting some guy with “power” cause he has money and his henchmen are dumb.

I disagree. I’d take Gallywix as a villain over Blue Thanos any day

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yes please and the isles there as well, i would resub for that!

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This would be awesome.

Thats half of batmans villains.

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yes, a lot of them lack depth.

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Keep in mind, the concept for this expansion has Gallywix taking advantage of a power Vaccum to amass a modernized military. He’s not just some chump.

Cheesy sure. But at least more competent than the Jailer

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As someone said above, the underdark is an awesome DnD area. Id LOVE to see Deepholme but a massive world sized set of zones. Elementals, crystal spiders, little crystal squirrels as critters, ect.

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sorry, i just dont see it.

Have you ever played StarCraft 2?

Think of Gallywix like Arcturus Mengsk.
Someone smart enough to see that the cards are in his favor, and seize total control.

Mengsk was pretty objectively evil at his apex of a villain. But still very convincing.