Well to be fair id be upset if a brand new character had more impact than anduin.
His story has been building since before mop.
A character isn’t special because whats between their legs, their special because of their choices and actions. Having a character that was introduced this xpac overshadow anduin would be terrible writing.
That said idk why jaina or any of the other more established female characters dont have a big role do far in TWW
It’s fine for them to have emotions and act like kids. Just don’t put them on the frontlines or in my face. We’re World of Warcraft. We got better things to do than babysit a ptsd person.
Its the same for when the opposite is true, you just don’t see it here as only one side is calling the story shots.
And it shows.
They don’t have a big role because they aren’t the current writers’ OC.
The only person that cares about the character’s chromosomes here is you. Seek help.
They are also not central to this story really.
I think they feel Jaina is a little played out honestly. I think she’s fine as a mentor character but I wouldn’t want her being the focus. I’m an old guy myself, and I would like to see focus on some younger characters.
Jaina isn’t going to really be able to show much character growth as she’s already had her story told in BFA.
WoW has always had strong female characters. This just feels forced.
Did you miss where i said a characters anatomy doesn’t matter?
You need to learn to read bro. Seek help from a teacher.
The characters introduced are so minor that it doesn’t really matter what gender they are, really. The focus this expansion is on Anduin.
Xalatath is just another filler arc badguy.
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I think people are forgetting Anduin was still fairly young when he went through all those things.
Lost his father to something that was partially his fault (saving Garrosh’s life from the poisoned food which lead to both WoD and later Legion)
Soon after becoming king he was now in a brutal war between both factions that ended with countless deaths with Teldrassil’s burning plus the botched assault at Lordaeron.
Then he got captured and sent to the Maw, later losing his will by forcefully becoming a puppet of the Jailer and forced to attack his own allies, all while having his mind constantly messed with and having him question what thoughts were even his own, even considering part of him might have enjoyed committing those acts.
If anything it would be a surprise for him to come out of all that unscathed.
Gotta remember as well that hes essentially a pacifist, hes willing to fight sure, but he hates fighting, so for him to lose all control to the Jailer and be forced to actively hurt others would mess him up more than it would do to others.
Ultimately his riddled with guilt, and only now he finally has the strength to move on and to not blame himself over something he had no control over.
That’s all great, but when did WoW become a shoujo drama?
Yea thats fair.
Im also a big fan of faerin? I think i spelled it right.
The chick with a missing arm. She feels well written. I hope they use her in the world soul saga and not just a random character that isnt mentioned again.
I am sure there are games out there with no stories to be shoved in your face. Or just don’t read the quest texts for characters who aren’t your cup of tea.
The game isn’t written specifically for you and your tastes.
When the old guard was kicked out.
It’s cool, many of us will still remember the testosterone fueled mayhem that founded this game.
Yeah well John Connor went through the Skynet apocalypse when he was young. Had a strong mother that turned him into a badass, not a cringy crybaby.
We literally have to play the campaign in order to get to the endgame objectives, and we can’t skip said campaign until at least one character completes it. So yes, we are forced to deal with it.
Bro when your mom is sarah connor your gonna be a badace.
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i like her and she serves a good purpose for the central storyline so far.
she’s already helped anduin find the light again with her kind heart. i’m willing to bet they official ship them at some point and at some point in the future their child will have a role to play, either as a plot device or a character
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Oh yea! I didnt think about that possibility. That would honestly be pretty cool for her to become queen of stormwind.