I really really really really really really really HATE Anduin

I liked Anduin until Shadow lands. He grew up with a strong alpha father who taught him to project strength but found his own way to be himself and embrace the light.

He was mind controlled and forced to do bad stuff sure but PTSD and moping around for 5 years is way too melodramatic. Yes he experienced trauma, yes he survived where others did not. Yes, he has issues to work through but being afraid to wield his light is just dumb. You have evil Scarlet Crusade Pallys wielding it no problem, heck, even a demon learned how to use the light so Anduin moping around and saying the light forsake him is bull.

Also, you can be a strong alpha male and not be toxic just like a woman doesn’t have to be feminine. There’s all types of men and women. What sucks is when characters are written off or introduced as a characture to overcorrect on some perceived injustice.

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You can be both masculine and mentally well.


It was a quest chain in hallowfall,some tower, some candles, some spiders the usual stuff. Faerin and me we were fighting the spiders while he was literally following and whining and I was thinking come on, when are you going to join? Alleria was waiting outside. That quest chain.

Honestly the worst story ever.

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Cue Varian in Legion itro

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Well alright then. Seems we agree.

You can be all kinds of things and also be mentally unwell.

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Now there’s a hilarious image I can’t get out of my head.

But jokes aside, can you think of an example of PTSD being portayed well in games? Genuinely curious.

Which one is Anduin?

He’ll get there. The way they are going so far with this feels like the Worldtree Saga is going to be telling his story of redemption and rise. He’ll take what he learned from his father and add to that his own methods and virtues, and be a better man for it.



And with the way they’ve exhausted him on whining the only thing we can feel is relief at that very telegraphed outcome. Thank the Light! It will be over with!

He’s got Uncle Genn, Uncle Turalyon, and Uncle Thrall to guide him, too.


I still think the issue is there’s not enough male characters. Some people may have irrational reasons in not liking Anduin but Blizzard also decided he’s going to be the only male outside of maybe wimpy Dagran with character development.

Female characters on the hand who mind you none have died or sacrificed for no reason (Baelgrim) have a much wider pool of personalities and way more characters.

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I wouldn’t expect some overly complex story for this game. It doesn’t need to be though. It needs to target the demographic of young men and it’s doing well with that I feel.

Problem with Anduin is he is neither.

The first patch story for TWW does seem like a bit of a coming back look tho.

Specifically him trying to step up as a warrior sacrificing himself and stepping up and taking away his mental block to save old man.

I admit this is happening. And I admit that because this is happening, it’s hard to sort out what’s intended to be a jab at people who happen to be male wanting basic respect, and what’s intended to actually disrupt this social dynamic that a strong man must be an aggressive or angry man.

They all got killed off by the writers.

Brute characters have been cut from the game.


The only story element other than Anduin in this expansion that has already been dragged out in as exhausting of fashion is Xal’atath.

The kid the Old Gods gave swirlies to and shoved in their locker (dagger) lol.

People cried about needing new blood and now we have Anduin and Xal.


I mean let’s be honest, in society men in general romanticize heroic deaths. We love to see it. It’s why we all loved Gladiator, Braveheart, etc.

Shame about Tirion though.

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Sheeee. I plan on living forever. I love myself way too much.

We could have given him a very heroic un-death though if they let us make him a Death Knight. Missed opportunity.

We can disagree diplomatically like this or just agree that it’s bad. I’m good with either.

inb4 “iT’s aLwaYz bE3n bAd” though.

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