I really really really really really really really HATE Anduin

That’s the sad part. That they let this fanfic tier writing into the game. :angry:

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That’s normal human emotion. You’re a normal man with normal feelings. I can understand where you’re coming from. Brise is coming from the same place. Some of the posts in this thread though. Wowza.

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The dripping in acid irony of this written by someone who has never left the comfort of their gaming chair or sacrificed anything.

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Sylvanas sucks cause she was in mary sue mode. Garrosh was punished cause of the sylvanas fanboy on the writing team (we all know who he was). You got that so wrong.

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Is Anduin in the courtship period? I think right now he’s in the “fix myself first” period.

I personally know several very manly men who have suffered through some severe trauma and met people while going through such trauma and eventually they hooked up, and are together/married now.

I’m not sure that romance novel fantasy is representative of what we actually want in partners.

While it might be cool to have a badass warrior princess babe I think I’d probably be happier living with the cheese vendor that never gets talked about.

lol sorry i missed this, you’re absolutely hilarious and i hope you don’t encounter too many difficult thoughts or even words in your life; i have as much faith in your ability to triumph over them as you do in people.

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He shouldn’t have alienated his allies… and Sylvanas was great when she was ambiguously evil. When she became full Saturday morning cartoon she lost what made her fun. For me at least. I mean I still like her. Just not what happened to her post Cata.

Your opinion is exactly what I was talking about. Garrosh was a weak, hot headed idiot. He didn’t even deserve to be a raid boss. lol

You are a fool.

You lack the ability to see any reason, i cant help you.

If you listen to the Faerduin shippers, maybe?

My wife if former military. I will take the warrior princess. But you can have the cheese monger if she makes you happy. Happiness together is the key.

sounds like you wouldn’t anyway. your ideas are terrible, and i am glad that i will not have to listen to your drivel anymore. /blocked

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He was written to be hot headed idiot because the writer wanted to bring Sylvanas into the forefront. They were upset that they would have to write a masculine orc who likes war and blood and thunder, and instead wanted a more…tailored experience to what they are use to in life…again, the waifu meter rose up. That’s also when the writing was turning “soft” and taking away all of the badassery of all the leaders. You can see an example of their immature writing when they made Jaina into an angst teenager briefly who somehow discovered Nine Inch Nails.

By the way I’m not disagreeing with you on what virtues we should be idealizing - I prefer if my stories portrayed a “what if” fantasy on what we could achieve if we put our minds to it (big Star Trek nerd here) but I know humans can be really despicable if given the right circumstances and also that people, when cornered, will prioritize themselves over anyone else.

I don’t think most people are inherently psychopaths, and most of us want to live in harmony, but again, when options are limited, survival is instinctual.

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tbh this makes him sound like prime raid fodder. complicated characters aren’t historically a strong point for the franchise ngl

No i actually would.

See your small mind cant concive of a situation where you are outside your comfort zone because you are a sheep.

Every human life matters to me, right up until the lives of those i love are at stake.

Its honestly sad you lack this much critical thinking.

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It’s a set up. He might be, and I think he will be, but it’s still early. And the experiences they’re having now could be good background for them to entertain the idea later.

They intentionally made her that way for the story arch they did with the jailer and anduin. They took the best faction leader and made her… 5d chess. Still not sure what they were thinking. Though “burn it!” And “the horde is nothing!” Are still things I look fondly back on. lol

i love cheese

If they were going to go with “the hero runs from his responsibility” theme, then they should have done it in the style of Guts from Berserk (where he loses himself in his rage) vs Rey’s Luke Skywalker (whom wallows in self-pity).

Hatred over someone crying is a waste of good hatred

Guts is a tad bit unfair of a comparison because that dude went thru A LOT compared to Anduin