I really just want to go to sleep and just need to finish this daily before reset

Wowhead is not run by Blizzard.

Orlyia is referring to any internal memo posts or forum posts.

Just because she hasn’t seen any doesn’t mean there aren’t any.

I addressed the nature of bugs in my early replies on the locked thread.

Mate, you really need to chill out.

Might want to rethink being ‘blunt’. Your replies are full of little barbs and digs at both Blizzard and fellow players especially if your don’t like the replies.


Only one person gave the right advice and I replied properly to that person.

But besides that this thread is pointless now that I have my answer. I tried in my power to fix something in my side :person_shrugging: all I have to do now is wait. I wish there was a suggestion box. But given that PEOPLE already posted my issue before since day 1 and no answer was given I doubt it will work.

Lol again pls read what I said. There’s already a post in the bug forum about it. Check the date on it. Its by far older than mine. :person_shrugging:

LOL for real last reply. There’s really nothing i could do now. gl yall

check the blizzard forum post that i linked too and check the date.

Just because I’m curious, how would you fix an issue that only happens to a relatively small handful of the playerbase and cannot be reliably reproduced?


Interesting that that reply got deleted by a mod, so I’m going to suggest that it was not the ‘proper’ reply you think it was.

But that’s besides the point here: duplicate threads on topics that are already resolved are not allowed, and can earn vacations.


But inappropriately to those of us that offered help regardless if it helped you or not.

We get you’re annoyed, but is it really too much to ask to be humble and grateful towards those who took the time to reply and offer something regardless?

Exactly what I was referring to about the nature of bugs.


Posting on the forums will not change that.

Possibly, but Game Masters do not monitor this forum nor, as it has been explained, is this forum a means to circumvent the ticket system.

The Game Developers determine how these systems function. Customer Support has zero input into game or system design or implementation. If you wish to see it work differently you’ll want to submit a suggestion through the in-game option or by posting in one of the relevant Community Forums. General discussion by default.

If the self-help option is not working or available, usually the only option is to submit a ticket. While those are priority, and handled as quickly as they can be, it is not always immediate.

As there is nothing further to be gained from these threads I’m going to lock this one too. Please do not create a new thread on the same subject.